
第一章 欧洲病夫

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[3] Arthur Ruhl,Antwerp to Gallipoli:A Year of the War on Many Fronts—and Behind Them(New York:Scribner’s,1916),232.

[4] Service Historique de l’Armée de Terre,Vincennes(SHAT),7N 1127,Vienna,Oct. 1,1889,“La question des nationalités dans l’armée Austro-Hongroise.”

[5] Geoffrey Wawro,The Franco-Prussian War(Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2003),305-306.

[6] Geoffrey Wawro,The Austro-Prussian War(Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1996),281.

[7] SHAT,7N 1124,Vienna,Aug. 20,1878,Cdt. Tour de Pin,“Aperçu politique.”

[8] SHAT,7N 1124,Vienna,Mar. 1878,Capt. de Berghes,“Composition et recrutement du corps d’officiers dans l’Armée Austro-Hongroise.”

[9] Kriegsarchiv,Vienna(KA),Militärkanzlei Franz Ferdinand(MKFF)206,Sarajevo,Feb. 7,1914,FZM Potiorek to Archduke Franz Ferdinand.

[10] SHAT,7N 1123,Vienna,July 15,1875,Capt. Brunet,“Voyage tactique de l’infanterie en Bohème.”

[11] SHAT,7N 1123,Vienna,May 28,1873,Col. de Valzy.

[12] SHAT,AAT,EMA,7N 851,Vienna,Jan. 1923,Gaston Bodart,“Etude sur organisation générale,politique et administrative.”

[13] Gunther E. Rothenberg,The Army of Francis Joseph(West Lafayette,IN:Purdue University Press,1976),109.

[14] Gunther E. Rothenberg,The Army of Francis Joseph(West Lafayette,IN:Purdue University Press,1976),141-142.

[15] SHAT,AAT,EMA,7N 1129,Austria,Feb. 8,1904,“Les scandales de la Cour de Vienne.”

[16] SHAT,EMA,7N 1128,Vienna,Oct. 14,1897,Cdt. Berckheim,“Notes sur le haut commandement en Autriche.”

[17] Otto Pflanze,Bismarck and the Development of Germany,vol. 2,The Period of Consolidation,1871-1880,2nd ed.(Princeton:Princeton University Press,1990),376.

[18] Christopher Clark,The Sleepwalkers:How Europe Went to War in 1914(New York:Harper,2013),66-73;Lothar Höbelt,“‘Well-Tempered Discontent’:Austrian Domestic Politics,” in Mark Cornwall,ed.,The Last Years of Austria-Hungary(Exeter:Exeter University Press,2002),48;A.J.P.Taylor,The Habsburg Monarchy 1809-1918(London:Penguin,1948),157.

[19] SHAT,AAT,EMA,7N 1128,Austria,April 30,1902,“Les allemands d’Autriche.”

[20] SHAT,AAT,EMA,7N 1128,Vienna,May 20,July 14 and 30,1897,Cdt. Berckheim to Minister of War.

[21] Rothenberg,Army of Francis Joseph,121.

[22] Carl E. Schorske,Fin-de-Siècle Vienna:Politics and Culture(New York:Vintage,1981),128-140.

[23] National Archives and Records Administration,Washington,DC(NARA),M695,roll 22,Vienna,Sept. 10,1924,Carol Foster,“The Culture of Austria.”

[24] Die Judenfrage(1908),5-22.

[25] Rothenberg,Army of Francis Joseph,128.

[26] Rothenberg,Army of Francis Joseph,78,85.

[27] Der“Militarismus”in Österreich-Ungarn(Vienna,Seidel,1902),9.

[28] Norman Stone,“Army and Society in the Habsburg Monarchy,1900-1914,” Past and Present 33,no.1(1966):96-97.

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