
第五章 蒸汽压路机

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e World War(New Haven:Yale University Press,1931),34.

[9] Rothenberg,Army of Francis Joseph,159.

[10] Annika Mombauer,Helmuth von Moltke and the Origins of the First World War(Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2001),114.

[11] Scott W. Lackey,The Rebirth of the Habsburg Army(Westport,CT:Greenwood,1995),152;Rudolf Jerabek,Potiorek(Graz:Verlag Styria,1991),100-101;Rothenberg,Army of Francis Joseph,158;Mombauer,Helmuth von Moltke,81.

[12] Norman Stone,“Moltke-Conrad:Relations between the Austro-Hungarian and German General Staffs 1909-1914,” Historical Journal 9,no. 2(1966):205-208.

[13] Graydon Tunstall,Blood on the Snow:The Carpathian Winter War of 1915(Lawrence:University Press of Kansas,2010),15;General Josef von Stürgkh,Im Deutschen Grossen Hauptquartier(Leipzig:Paul List,1921),23,159.

[14] Graydon Tunstall,Planning for War Against Russia and Serbia:Austro-Hungarian and German Military Strategies 1871-1914(New York:Columbia University Press,1993),148,170,174;Lawrence Sondhaus,Franz Conrad von Hötzendorf:Architect of the Apocalypse(Boston:Humanities Press,2000),145-146.

[15] Winston S. Churchill,The World Crisis:The Eastern Front (London:Thornton Butterworth,1931),137

[16] “Eisenbahntechnisch nicht durchzuführen.” Stone,“Moltke-Conrad,” 219;Mombauer,Helmuth von Moltke,102-103.

[17] Norman Stone,“Hungary and the Crisis of July 1914,” Journal of Contemporary History 1,no. 3(1966):163-164;Stone,“Moltke-Conrad,” 217;Rothenberg,Army of Francis Joseph,173.

[18] Österreich-Ungarns Letzter Krieg 1914-18,1:12-13.

[19] Norman Stone,The Eastern Front 1914-1917(London:Penguin,1998[1975]),76-77;Norman Stone,“Die Mobilmachung der österreichisch-ungarischen Armee 1914,” Militärgeschichtliche Mitteilung,1974,70-71.

[20] Graydon Tunstall,“The Habsburg Command Conspiracy:The Austrian Falsification of Historiography on the Outbreak of World War I,” Austrian History Yearbook 27(1996):192-193.

[21] Rothenberg,Army of Francis Joseph,179.

[22] KA,B/3(Dankl):5/1,Tagebuch(1),Aug. 2,1914.

[23] Moritz Freiherr von Auffenberg-Komarów,Aus Österreichs Höbe und Niedergang:Eine Lebensschilderung(Munich:Drei Masken Verlag,1921),265;Tunstall,Planning for War,176-177;Sondhaus,Franz Conrad von Hötzendorf,135.

[24] Sondhaus,Franz Conrad von Hötzendorf,147;Rothenberg,Army of Francis Joseph,179.

[25] KA,B/1503:6,Aug. 12,1914,Sarajevo,Potiorek to Conrad.

[26] Stone,Eastern Front,77.

[27] SHAT,AAT,EMA,7N 846,Paris,March 3914,“Organisation de l’armée austro-hongroise sur le pied de guerre.”

[28] KA,Neue Feld Akten(NFA)528,9 ID,“Intendanz der k.u.k,9.I-T-D,26 Juli-8 Dez. 1914.”

[29] Stone,Eastern Front,78-79.

[30] Sondhaus,Franz Conrad von Hötzendorf,152;Josef Redlich,Schicksalsjahre Österreichs 1908-19:Das politische Tagebuch Josef Redlichs(Graz:V

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