
第一章 罗洛与诺曼底

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uen as seen by the Norman Chroniclers’, in Society and Culture in Medieval Normandy, ed. Hicks and Brenner, pp. 125–49 (pp. 128–34).

42 Annals of Flodoard, pp. 37–8.

43 Dudo, History of the Normans, pp. 127–32.

44 Bauduin, La première Normandie.

45 For the most recent summary see Bauduin, La première Normandie, pp. 26–33, but also Bates, Normandy before 1066, pp. 2–43; Searle, Predatory Kinship, pp. 1–11.

46 D. Bates, ‘West Francia: the Northern Principalities’, in The New Cambridge Medieval History, III: c.–900–c.1024, ed. T. Reuter(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999), pp. 398–419 (p. 404).

47 Moesgaard, ‘Coin Production and Currency in Normandy’.

48 J. Dunbabin, ‘West Francia: the Kingdom’, in The New Cambridge Medieval History,Ⅲ: c.900–c.1204, ed. T. Reuter (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999), pp. 372–97.

49 Dudo, History of the Normans, pp. 167–73.

50 Searle, Predatory Kinship, p. 124.

51 A. Renoux, ‘Fouilles sur le site du château ducal de Fécamp (Xe-XIIe siècle’, Anglo-Norman Studies 4 (1982), pp. 133–52 (pp. 142–4).

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