
第一章 罗洛与诺曼底

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Bachrach (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2011), p. 23.

17 Hagger, ‘Confrontation and Unification’.

18 Flodoard, Historia Remenensis ecclesiae, p. 407. For discussion see J. L.Nelson, ‘Normandy’s Early History since Normandy Before 1066’, in Normandy and its Neighbours, 900-1250: Essays for David Bates, ed. D. Crouch and K. Thompson (Turnhout: Brepols, 2011), pp. 3-15 (pp. 5-7).

19 Dudo, History of the Normans, p. 15.

20 E. Johnson, ‘Origin Myths and the Construction of Medieval Identities: Norman Chronicles 1000-1100’, in Texts and Identities in the Middle Ages, ed. R. Corradini, and others (Vienna: Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2006), pp. 153-64 (p. 155). See also S. Reynolds,‘Medieval Origines gentium and the Community of the Realm’, History, 68 (1983), pp. 375-90; M. Coumert, ‘Les récits d’origine et la tradition historiographique normande’, in L’Historiographie médiévale normande et ses sources antiques (Xe-XIIe siècles), ed. P. Bauduin and M.-A. Lucas-Avenel (Caen: Centre Michel de Boüard – CRAHAM, 2014), pp. 137–54.

21 Albu, The Normans in their Histories, pp. 7–46; L. Shopkow, ‘The Carolingian World of Dudo of Saint Quentin’, Haskins Society Journal 15(1989), pp. 19–37; E. Searle, ‘Fact and Pattern in Heroic History: Dudo of St Quentin’, Viator, 15 (1984), pp. 119–37.

22 G. Koziol, Begging Pardon and Favour: Ritual and Political Order in Early Medieval France (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1992), pp. 149–50.

23 There is some debate as to whether Rollo sacrificed Christian captives after his conversion, based on D. C. Douglas’s reading of Adémar of Chabannes’ Chronicle (‘Rollo of Normandy, English Historical Review, 57 (1942), pp. 417–36 (pp. 433–4)), though Adémar wrote that he beheaded them before he was made a Christian: Normans in Europe, ed. van Houts, no. 11. Douglas’s reading is incorrect.

24 D. Crouch, The Normans: the History of a Dynasty (London: Continuum, 2002), p. 321 n. 14.

25 Nelson, ‘Normandy’s Early History’, pp. 10–11. For the dynastic importance of Dudo’s account see Crouch, The Normans, p. 292.

26 F. Lifshitz, ‘Dudo’s Historical Narrative and the Norman Succession of 996’, Journal of Medieval History 20 (1994), pp. 101–20.

27 J. Le Maho, ‘The Fate of the Ports of the Lower Seine Valley at the End of the Ninth Century’ in Markets in Early Medieval Europe: Trading and ‘Productive’ Sites 650–850, ed. T. Pestell and K. Ulmschneider(Macclesfield: Windgather, 2003), pp. 234–47.

28 J. Le Maho, ‘Le groupe épiscopal de Rouen du IVe au Xe siècle’, in Medieval Art, Architecture, and Archaeology at Rouen, ed. Jenny Stratford (Leeds: Maney, 1993), pp. 20–30 (pp. 27–30); ‘Les fouilles de la cathédrale de Rouen de 1985 à 1993: esquisse d’un premier bilan’, Archéologie médiévale 24 (1994), pp. 1–49 (pp. 28–31) and ‘The Fate of the Ports’, pp. 238, 240.

29 L. Mazet-Harho

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