
第三章 地中海的诺曼人

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Cities Under the Normans’, in The Society of Norman Italy, ed. G. A. Loud and A. Metcalfe (Leiden: Brill, 2002), pp. 75–96.

9 Amatus, History of the Normans, p. 50.

10 William of Apulia, Gesta Roberti Wiscardi, book I, lines 11–54.

11 In contrast J. France, ‘The Occasion of the Coming of the Normans to Southern Italy’, Journal of Medieval History 17 (1991), pp. 185–205 argues that the 1017 campaign marks the first appearance of the Normans in Italy.

12 Loud, The Age of Robert Guiscard, p. 65.

13 See the papers in Culte et pèlerinages à Saint Michel en Occident: les trois monts dédiés à l’archange, ed. P. Bouet, G. Otranto and A. Vauchez(Rome: Ecole française de Rome, 2003).

14 Malaterra, Deeds of Count Roger, p. 54.

15 Normans in Europe, ed. van Houts, no. 69. See also E. Joranson, ‘The Inception of the Career of the Normans in Italy – Legend and History’, Speculum 23 (1948), pp. 353–96 for the importance of papal involvement in Norman activity in southern Italy.

16 Orderic, Ecclesiastical History, vol. 5, pp. 156–9.

17 E. Johnson, ‘The Process of Exile into Southern Italy’, in Exile in the Middle Ages, ed. L. Napran and E. van Houts (Turnhout, 2004), pp. 29–38 (p. 32).

18 Orderic, Ecclesiastical History, vol. 5, pp. 158–9.

19 Johnson, ‘Exile’, p. 38.

20 Amatus, History of the Normans, p. 60 and n. 66 for discussion of Rainulf’s identity.

21 Loud, Age of Robert Guiscard, p. 77.

22 Malterra, Deeds of Count Rogr e, p. 55; Loud, Age of Robert Guiscard, p. 77.

23 Amatus, History of the Normans, pp. 76–7. As Loud highlights in n. 52, it is impossible to identify all the individual Normans.

24 Malaterra, Deeds of Count Roger, p. 59.

25 Discussed in L. V. Hicks, ‘Journeys and Landscapes of Conquest: Normans Travelling to and in Southern Italy and Sicily’, in Journeying Along Medieval Routes, ed. A. L. Gascogine, L. V. Hicks and M. O’Doherty (Turnhout: Brepols, 2016) pp. 115–42.

26 Amatus, History of the Normans, p. 83.

27 ‘The Life of Pope Leo IX’, in The Papal Reform of the Eleventh Century: Lives of Pope Leo IX and Gregory Ⅶ, trans. I. S. Robinson (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2004), p. 141.

28 Loud, Age of Robert Guiscard, p. 118.

29 For accounts of the battle see Amatus, History of the Normans, pp. 100–1; Malaterra, Deeds of Count Roger pp. 61–2; William of Apulia, Gesta Roberti Wiscardi, book II. ‘The Life of Pope Leo’, trans. Robinson, pp. 149–50 provides a different slant in which the pope voluntarily accompanied the Normans to Benevento.

30 Loud, Age of Robert Guiscard, p. 130–45.

31 For Sicily before the Normans and the initial stages of the conquest see A. Metcalfe, Muslims and Christians in Norman Sicily: Arabic Speakers and the End of Islam (London: Routledge, 2003), pp. 1–29; Loud

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