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6 Korean Art Treasures. Seoul:Yekyong Publications.pl.3.

[5] Purchas,Samuel. Hakluytus Posthumus or Purchas,his Pilgrimes. Reprint New York:AMS Press,1965. 20 vols.IX,292.

[6] Dio Chrysostom. Discourses. Trans. H.Lamar Crosby and J.W.Conoon. Loeb Classical Library. Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1932-51.70.2. 详细的论述请参见Anderson,J.K. 1985 Hunting in the Ancient World. Berkeley:University of California Press.31-55。

[7] 小普林尼(约61~113),罗马作家,以描述罗马帝国社会生活的九卷信札著称。

[8] 阿米安·马塞里(Ammianus Marcellinus,约330~397),罗马史学家,著有《晚期罗马帝国史》,被称为罗马帝国的最后一位古典历史学家。

[9] Pliny the Younger,I.xi and Ammianus Marcellinus. Trans. John C.Rolf. Loeb Classical Library. Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1958.XXVIII.4.8.

[10] 色诺芬(公元前427~前355),苏格拉底的学生,被认为是西方历史上最早的经济学家,同时也是一位哲学家。

[11] Aristotle,HA,VIII.28;Xenophon,Cyn.,XI.;and Oppian,III.7-62 and IV.77-214.此外还可参见Anderson 1985,1-16。

[12] Machiavelli,338-42 (Discourses,ch. XVIII). 参见Bivar,A.D.H. 1972 “Cavalry Equipment and Tactics on the Euphrates Frontier.” Dumbarton Oaks Papers 26:273ff. and Ostrogorsky,George 1969 History of the Byzantine State. New Brunswick,N.J.:Rutgers University Press.101。

[13] Anderson,J.K. 1985 Hunting in the Ancient World. Berkeley:University of California Press.78-100 and Hyland,Ann 1990 Equus:The Horse in the Roman World. New Haven,Conn.:Yale University Press.243-46.

[14] 有关向骑兵转变的年表,请参见White,Lynn,Jr. 1966 Medieval Technology and Social Change. New York:Oxford University Press.3ff.;Bachrach,Bernard S. 1983 “Charlemagne’s Cavalry:Myth and Reality.” Military Affairs 47:1-20;and Genito,B. 1995-97 “The Early Medieval Cemetery in Vincenne(Molise).” Archivum Eurasiae Medii Aevi 9:78-80。

[15] Wright,David Curtis,trans. The Ambassador’s Records:Eleventh Century Reports of Sung Embassies to the Liao. Papers on Inner Asia 29. Bloomington:Indiana University,Research Institute for Inner Asian Studies,1998.54,and Wittfogel,Karl A. and Feng Chia-sheng 1949 History of Chinese Society,Liao(907-1125). Philadelphia:American Philosophical Society.63,64 and 180.

[16] Carré,II,358 and III,767;RG,85;Varthema,122 and 172;and Forbes,II,488.

[17] G.Mundy Mundy,Godfrey Charles. Pen and Pencil Sketches in India:Journal of a Tour in India. 3rd ed. London:John Murray,1858.35-36.

[18] 阿勒颇位于叙利亚北部,是叙第二大城市,也是世界著名的古城之一。

[19] Theophylact,VIII.8.3-4;JS,ch. 6,133,137,and 146,ch.7,158,and ch.8,196 and 198;Quan Heng,38;Tan 1982,VII,map 7-8,inset of Dada lu;and P.Mundy,I,19.

[20] 虔诚者路易(Louis the Pious,814~840年在位),即路易一世,史载他高大英俊,热爱狩猎和其他户外活动。

[21] CC Scholtz,Bernhard Walter,trans. Carolingian Chronicles:Royal Frankish Annals and Nithard’s Histories. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1970.103,109,and 118.

[22] 奥朗则布(Aurangzeb,1618~1707),又作Aurangzib,阿拉伯语为Awrangzīb。本名穆希-乌德-丁·穆罕默德,是印度莫卧儿帝国的最后一位皇帝(1658~1707年在位)。

[23] Bernier,François. Tr

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