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ossil Relatives. New York:Columbia University Press.104,107,109,112,and 131-33.

[188] Hildebrand,Milton 1959 “Motions of the Running Cheetah and Horse.” Journal of Mammalogy 40:481-95,and Hildebrand,Milton 1961 “Further Studies on the Locomotion of the Cheetah.” Journal of Mammalogy 42:84-91.

[189] Sharp,N. C. C. 1997 “Timed Running Speed of a Cheetah(Acinonyx jubatus).” Journal of Zoology 241:493-94.

[190] 这一学派的代表可参见Keller,Otto 1963 Die Antike Tierwelt. 2 vols. 1909. Reprint Hildesheim:Georg Olms.I,30 and 86,and Zeuner,Frederick E. 1963 A History of Domesticated Animals. New York:Harper and Row.417-19。

[191] 约公元前2000年,索马里人在索马里半岛北部的沿海地区建立了蓬特国。关于蓬特国的资料很少,从古埃及的文献和神庙浮雕中可以知道,古埃及人把蓬特称作“神的故乡”和“神奇的香料之国”。

[192] Naville,Edourd 1898 The Temple of Deir el Bahari. Part 3. London:Offices of the Egypt Exploration Fund.III,17 and pl. 80;ARE Breasted,James Henry,trans. Ancient Records of Egypt. Chicago:University of Chicago Press,1908.II,102-22;and Jéquier,M. G. 1913 “La panthère dans l’ancienne Egypte.” Revue d’ethnographie et sociologie 4:345-63.

[193] Houlihan,Patrick F. 1996 The Animal World of the Pharaohs. London:Thames and Hudson.69,93,199-200,and 203;Osborn,Dale J. and Jana Osbornova 1998 The Mammals of Ancient Egypt. Warminister:Aris and Phillips.121-23;and Störk,L. 1972 “Gepard.” Lexikon der Ägyptologie. Wiesbaden:Otto Harrassowitz,vol. 2,pp.530.

[194] Bodenheimer,F.S. 1960 Animal and Man in Bible Lands. Leiden:E.J.Brill.44 and 100,and Brentjes,Burchard 1965 Die Haustierwerdung im Orient. Wittenburg:A.Ziemsen.84-85.

[195] Friederichs,Heinz F. 1933 “Zur Kenntnis der frühgeschichtlichen Tier Welt Südestasiens.” Alte Orient 32,3-4:31.

[196] Van Buren,E. Douglas 1939 The Fauna of Ancient Mesopotamia as Represented in Art. Rome:Pontificum Institutum Biblicum.13 and pl. 2,illus. 10.可参见评论Heimpel,W. 1980-83 “Leopard und Gepard,A,Philologisch.” In Reallexikon der Assriologie und Vorderasiatischen Archäologie. Berlin:de Gruyter,6:599-601。

[197] Aelian Aelian. On the Characteristics of Animals. Trans. A.F.Scholfield. Loeb Classical Library. Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1959.VI.2,XV.14 and XVII.26.

[198] 巴赫兰·古尔(Bahrām Gor),即巴赫兰五世,公元421~439年在位。古尔在波斯语中意为野驴。巴赫兰五世因平时喜好猎取野驴而有此绰号。

[199] Melikian-Chirvani,A. S. 1984 Le Shāh-nāme,le gnose soufie et le pouvoir Mongol.” Journal Asiatique 272,3-4:268-70.

[200] MacKenzie,D. N. 1971 A Concise Pahlavi Dictionary. Oxford:Oxford University Press.97.

[201] al-Ṭabarī. The History of al-Ṭabarī. Trans,various hands. Albany:State University of New York Press,1985-99,XXXVIII,58;,V,156;Viré,François 1974 “La chasse au guépard d’après sources arabes et les oeuvres d’art musulman par Ahmad Abd ar-Raziq.” Arabica 21:85-88;and Rust’haveli Rust’haveli,Shot’ha. The Man in the Panther’s Skin. Trans. Marjory Scott Wardrop. London:Luzac,1966.184.

[202] 例如Purchas Purchas,S

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