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ann,1977,30;Gukovskii,M. H. 1963 “Soobshchenie o Rossii Moskovskogo posla v Milan(1486 g.).” In S.N. Valk,ed.,Voprosy istoriografii i istochnikovedeniia istorii SSSR:Sbornik statei. Moscow Leningrad:Izdatel’stvo akademii nauk SSSR,pp.653;Hakluyt,V Hakluyt,Richard. Voyages,London:J.M.Dent,1939. Vol. Ⅰ.365。

[146] Nikitin,Afanasii. Khozhdenie za tri moria. 2nd ed. Moscovv-Leningrad:lzdatel’stvo akademii nauk SSSR,1958,11,33-34,53,and 71.在他叙述的最早版本中便出现了“devianosto”这个数字。

[147] SIRIO Sbornik imperatorkago russkago istoricheskago obshchestva. Vol. 95,Pamiatniki diplomaticheskie snoshenii moskovskago gosudarstva c Krymom,Nagaiami i Turtsieiu,part 2,1508-1521 vv.,ed. G.O.Karpov and G.O.Shtendman. St. Petersburg,n.d.,227-28.

[148] Burton,Audrey 1993 Bukharan Trade,1558-1718. Papers on Inner Asia 23. Bloomington;Indiana University,Research Institute for Inner Asian Studies,47-48,50,51,62,65,68,and 71;REGK Allen,W.E.D.,ed. Russian Embassies to the Georgian Kings(1589-1605). Trans. Anthony Mango. Cambridge:Published for the Hakluyt Society,1972,I,213-14;and Laufer,Bertold 1916 “Supplementary Notes on Walrus and Narwhal Ivory.” T’oung-pao 17:353-54.

[149] Munshī,Iskander. History of Shah . Trans. Roger Savory. Boulder,Colo.:Westview Press,1978,II,1160,and CDIPR Islam,Riazul,ed. A Calendar of Documents on Indo-Persian Relations,1500-1700. Karachi:Institute of Central and West Asian Studies,1979,I,190;此外可参见216。

[150] Christian,David 2000 “Silk Roads or Steppe Roads?The Silk Roads in World History.” Journal of World History 11:1-26,7ff.

[151] Marco Polo. The Description of the World. Trans. A.C.Moule and Paul Pelliot. London:Routledge,1938. Vol. Ⅰ.,178.

[152] Qāshānī,Abū al-Qasīm. Ta’rīkh-i Ūljaytū. Ed. M.Hambly,Tehran:B.T.N.K.,1969,49 and 205.

[153] Ḥāfīẓ-i Abrū,95-99,and HC Bellér-Hann,Ildikó,trans. A History of Cathay:A Translation and Linguistic Analysis of a Fifteenth-Century Turkic Manuscript. Indiana University Uralic and Altaic Series 162. Bloomington:Indiana University,1995,167 and 179-80.

[154] Samarqandī, al-Razzāq. va baḥrayn. Ed. Muhammad Shafī. Lahore:Chāpkhānah-i Gīlānī,1941. Vol. Ⅱ,part 1.,385.

[155] MS Mingshi. Beijing:Zhonghua shuju,1974,ch. 329,8529-30.

[156] Ibn Khurdādhbih. Kitāb al-masālik wa al-mamālik. Ed.M.J.de,70,阿拉伯语文本,and 51,法语译本。

[157] P.Mundy Mundy,Peter. The Travels of Peter Mundy in Europe and Asia,1608-1617. Ed. Sir Richard Carnac Temple. Reprint Nendeln:Kraus Reprint,1967-72,337,and Bernier,François. Travels in the Mogul Empire,A.D.1656-1668. 2nd ed. Oxford:Oxford University Press,1934,194.

[158] CDIPR Islam,Riazul,ed. A Calendar of Documents on Indo-Persian Relations,1500-1700. Karachi:Institute of Central and West Asian Studies,1979,II,110-11.

[159] ANE Pritchard,James B.,ed.,The Ancient Near East:An Anthology of Texts and Pictures. Princeton,N.J.:Princeton University Press,197

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