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3,II,103,and Sidebotham,Steven E. 1991 “Ports on the Red Sea and the Arabia-India Trade.” In Vimala Begley and Richard De Puma,eds.,Rome and India:The Ancient Sea Trade. Madison:University of Wisconsin Press,pp.12 and 15.

[160] Li Zhizhang. Xiyu ji,in MGSL,328;Li Zhizhang/W Li Chih-chang. The Travels of an Alchemist. Trans. Arthur Waley. London:Routledge and Kegan Paul,1963,94;Kaempfer,Engelbert. Am Hofe der persischen Grosskönigs,1684-1685. Trans. Walther Hinz. Tübingen and Basil:Erdmann,1977,255;and SOS O’Kane,John,trans. The Ship of Sulaiman. New York:Columbia University Press,1972,82-83.

[161] HS Ban Gu. Hanshu. Beijing:Zhonghua shuju,1990,ch. 6,176;HS/D Pan Ku. The History of the Former Han Dynasty. Trans. Homer Dubs. Baltimore:Waverly Press,1938-55,II,60;Pelliot,Paul 1903 “Le Fou-nan.” Bulletin de l’école française de Extrême-Orient 3:252-53,255,and 274;and Wolters,O. W. 1958 “Tāmbralinga.” Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 21:605-6.

[162] al-Ṭabarī. The History of al-Ṭabarī. Trans,various hands. Albany:State University of New York Press,1985-99,XXXV,27,and CDIPR Islam,Riazul,ed. A Calendar of Documents on Indo-Persian Relations,1500-1700. Karachi:Institute of Central and West Asian Studies,1979,II,334.

[163] Theophylact Simocatta. The History of Theophylact Simocatta. Trans. Michael Whitby and Mary Whitby. Oxford:Clarendon Press,1988,I.3.8-10;Joshua Pseudo-Joshua the Stylite. The Chronicle of Pseudo-Joshua the Stylite. Trans. Frank K.Trombley and John W.Watt. Liverpool:Liverpool University Press,2000,17;and SMOIZO Tizengauzen,V.,trans. Sbornik materialov otnosiashchikhsia k istorii Zolotoi Ordy. Vol. Ⅰ,Izvlecheniia iz sochinenii arabskikh. St. Petersburg:Stroganov,1884,178 and 182,阿拉伯语文本,and 189 and 194,俄语译本。

[164] Einhard. The Life of Charlemagne. Trans. Samuel E.Turner,Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1960,42-43,and CC Scholtz,Bernhard Walter,trans. Carolingian Chronicles:Royal Frankish Annals and Nithard’s Histories. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1970,82 and 92,其中提供了有关这一活动的基本信息。有关这一活动在艺术品中的再现,请参见Haussig,Hans Wilhelm 1992 Archäologie und Kunst der Seidenstrasse. Darmstadt:Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft,100,illus.160。

[165] 关于其自然分布与文化分布范围,请参见Werth,Emil 1954 Grabstock,Hacke und Pflug. Ludwigsburg:Eugen Ulmer,91-92 以及地图9。

[166] Baihaqī,Abū’l Faẓl. Ta’rīkh-i Baihaqī. Ed. Q.Ghanī and A. A.Fayyaẓ. Tehran:Chāpkhānah bānk-i mīllī,1946,495;GC Vivian,Katherine,trans. The Georgian Chronicle:The Period of Giorgi Lasha. Amsterdam:Adolf M.Hakkert,1991,115;TTP Alderly,Lord Stanley,ed. Travels to Tana and Persia by Josafa Barbaro and Ambrogio Contarini. London:Hakluyt Society Publications,1873,53-54;P.Mundy Mundy,Peter. The Travels of Peter Mundy in Europe and Asia,1608-1617. Ed. Sir Richard Carnac Temple. Reprint Nendeln:Kraus Reprint,1967-72,II,112;and du Jarric,Pierre,S.J. Akbar and the Jesuits:An Account of the Jesuit Mission to the C

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