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. Evelyn Antal and John Harthan. Cambridge,Mass.:MIT Press,414,illus. 246.

[201] 关于猎豹(cheetah)与豹子(leopard)身上斑点的比较,请参见Turner,Alan 1997 The Big Cats and Their Fossil Relatives. New York:Columbia University Press,93。

[202] Klingender,F. D. 1971 Animals in Art and Thought to the End of the Middle Ages. Ed. Evelyn Antal and John Harthan. Cambridge,Mass.:MIT Press,480,illus. 296a and 482.

[203] Zorzi,Elvira Garbero 1986 “Court Spectacle.” In Sergio Betelli,ed.,Italian Renaissance Courts. London:Sidgwick and Jackson,pp.173.

[204] Lacroix,Paul 1963 France in the Middle Ages:Customs,Classes,Conditions. New York:Frederich Unger,189 and 193 for illus.

[205] Cummins,John 1988 The Hound and the Hawk:The Art of Medieval Hunting. New York:St. Martin’s Press,31.

[206] Ma Huan. Ying-yai sheng-lan:The Overall Survey of the Oceans Shores. Trans. J.V.G. Mills. Cambridge:For the Hakluyt Society,1970,172 and 176.

[207] Samarqandī, al-Razzāq. va baḥrayn. Ed. Muhammad Shafī. Lahore:Chāpkhānah-i Gīlānī,1941. Vol. Ⅱ,part 1.,384,and MS Mingshi. Beijing:Zhonghua shuju,1974,ch. 332,8601,8610,and 8615.

[208] ,Moses. History of the Armenians. Trans. Robert W.Thomson. Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1978,36-37,80,and 144-45.

[209] 关于这一设施的更多详细讨论,请参见Geiss,James 1987 “The Leopard Quarter During the Cheng-te Reign.” Ming Studies 24:1-38,esp. 8-12 and 20-21。

[210] KB/P Phillot,D.C. and R.J.Azoo,trans. “Chapters on Hunting Dogs and Cheetas,being an Extract from the Kitāb al-Bayzarah.” Journal and Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal n.s. 3(1907):47-50,49-50;al-Manṣūr Al-Mansur’s Book on Hunting. Trans. Sir Terence Clark and Muawiya Derhalli. Warminster:Aris & Phillips,2001,49;and Mercier,Louis 1927 La chasse et les sports chez les Arabes. Paris:Librairie des sciences politiques et sociales,70-71.

[211] Burkert,Walther 1992 The Orientalizing Revolution:Near Eastern Influence on Greek Culture in the Early Archaic Age. Cambridge,Mass:Harvard University Press,9-40.

[212] Ḥusām al-Dawlah. Bāznāmah-i Naṣīrī:A Persian Treatise on,4,6,21,23,33,and 37.

[213] Mahler,Jane Gaston 1959 The Westerners Among the Figurines of the T’ang Dynasty of China. Rome:Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente,199 and pl.XXIIa,后为204。

[214] 关于猎豹及其管理者的信息,请参见Han Baoquan,ed. 1997 Tang Jinxiang xianzhu mu caihui taoyang. Xi’an:Shaanxi Luyou Chubanshe,pls. 77-92,esp. 91,and Kentucky Horse Park 2000 Imperial China:The Art of the Horse in Chinese History. Prospect,Ky.:Harmony House,161,illus.150。

[215] Yarshater,Ehsan,ed. 1983b The Cambridge History of Iran. Vol. 3,The Seleucid,Parthian and Sasanian Periods. 2 vols. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,pl.45后为530。

[216] Juvaynī/Q Juvaynï,. Ta’rīkh-i Jahāngushā. Ed. Mirzā Muḥammad Qazvīnī. E.J.W. Gibb Memorial Series 26. London:Luzac,1912-37,I,19 and 70,and Juvaynī/B Juva

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