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I vols.,188,and ARI Grayson,Albert Kirk. Assyrian Royal Inscriptions. Wiesbaden:Otto Harrassowitz,1972-76.II vols.,55,143,and 149.

[7] 霍加皮,中非的一种珍稀动物,属长颈鹿科。

[8] Porada,Edith 1969 The Art of Ancient Iran. New York:Greystone,154-56,and Tilia,Ann Britt 1972 Studies and Restorations at Persepolis and Other Sites of Fārs.Rome:Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente,308 and pl. 152,fig. 98.

[9] Barthold,W.(=V.V.Bartol’d) 1968 Turkestan down to the Mongol Invasion. 3rd ed. London:Luzac,283-84;TLC Thorpe,Lewis,trans. Two Lives of Charlemagne. New York:Penguin,1977,147;and GC Vivian,Katherine,trans. The Georgian Chronicle:The Period of Giorgi Lasha. Amsterdam:Adolf M.Hakkert,1991,29.

[10] TTP Alderly,Lord Stanley,ed. Travels to Tana and Persia by Josafa Barbaro and Ambrogio Contarini. London:Hakluyt Society Publications,1873,53-55,and Munshī,Iskander. History of Shah . Trans. Roger Savory. Boulder,Colo.:Westview Press,1978. II vols.,1059.

[11] Linschoten,John Huyghen van. The Voyage to the East Indies,Ed. Arthur Coke Burnell and P.A.Tiele. London:Hakluyt Society Publications,1985. II vols.,10.关于欧洲人的反应的讨论,请参见Lach,Donald F. 1970 Asia in the Making of Europe. Vol. 2,A Century of Wonder,bk. 1,The Visual Arts. Chicago:University of Chicago Press,123-85。

[12] CRP Watson,Burton,trans. Chinese Rhyme-Prose:Poems in the Fu Form from the Han and Six Dynasties Period. New York:Columbia University Press,1971,36-37,and WX Xiao Tong,Wen xuan or Selections of Refined Literature. Trans. David Knechtges. Princeton,N.J.:Princeton University Press,1982-87. II vols.,115,207,209,211,and 213.

[13] Pelliot,Paul 1903 “Le Fou-nan.” Bulletin de l’école française de Extrême-Orient 3:263.

[14] Ma Huan. Ying-yai sheng-lan:The Overall Survey of the Oceans Shores. Trans. J.V.G. Mills. Cambridge:For the Hakluyt Society,1970,155 and 178.

[15] Macartney,George. An Embassy to China:Being the Journal Kept by Lord Macartney During His Embassy to the Emperor Ch’ienlung. Ed. J.L.Cranmer-Byng. London:Longman,1962,114.

[16] Helms,Mary W. 1988 Ulysses’Sail:An Ethnographic Odyssey of Power,Knowledge,and Geographical Distance. Princeton,N.J.:Princeton University Press,163-71.

[17] SOS O’Kane,John,trans. The Ship of Sulaiman. New York:Columbia University Press,1972,82.

[18] Yang Xuanzhi Yang Hsüan-chih. A Record of Buddhist Monasteries in Lo-yang. Trans. Yi-t’ung Wang. Princeton,N.J.:Princeton University Press,1984,237,and Fryer,John. A New Account of East India and Persia,Being Nine Year’s Travels,1672-1681. Ed. William Crooke. 1909. Reprint Millwood,N.Y.:Kraus Reprint,1967. II vols.,323-24.

[19] 安德鲁·杰克逊(Andrew Jackson,1767~1845),美国第七任总统(1828~1836)。

[20] Broder,Jonathan 1998 “Tangier.” Smithsonian 9,4:95.

[21] Hakluyt,V Hakluyt,Richard. Voyages,London:J.M.Dent,1939. Vol. Ⅰ.366.

[22] 目前学界对吐火罗语的名称和分类有不同观点,其中德国学者将吐鲁番、焉耆一

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