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frey Charles. Pen and Pencil Sketches in India:Journal of a Tour in India. 3rd ed. London:John Murray,1858,6.

[65] Rogozhin,N. M. 1994 Posol’skie knigi Rossii kontsa XV-nachala XVII vv. Moscow:Rossiiskaia akademii nauka,Institut rossiiskoi istorii,96.

[66] Bernier,François. Travels in the Mogul Empire,A.D.1656-1668. 2nd ed. Oxford:Oxford University Press,1934,262.

[67] RIO Antonova,K.A.et al,eds. Russko-Indiiskie otnosheniia v ⅩⅦ v.:Sbornik dokumenty. Moscow:Izdatel’stvo vostochnoi literatury,1958,190.

[68] RKO Demidova,N.F. and V.S.Miasnikov,eds. Russko-Kitaiskie otnosheniia v ⅩⅧ veke:Materialy i dokumenty. Moscow:Nauka,1978. Vol. Ⅰ.231,and Bell,129,137,and 141.

[69] DTO Chavannes,Edouard,trans. Documents sur les Tou-Kiue(Turcs)occidentaux. 1903. Reprint Taibei:Ch’eng-wen Publishing,1969,“Supplement,” 45,46,and 84.

[70] XTS Xin Tangshu. Beijing:Zhonghua shuju,1975,ch. 221a,6220;DTO Chavannes,Edouard,trans. Documents sur les Tou-Kiue(Turcs)occidentaux. 1903. Reprint Taibei:Ch’eng-wen Publishing,1969,103;and Schafer,Edward H. 1963 The Golden Peaches of Samarkand:A Study in T’ang Exotics. Berkeley:University of California Press,76-78.

[71] Pliny. Natural History. Trans. H.Rockham and W.H.S. Jones. Loeb Classical Library. Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1960-67,VIII.149-50;Mandeville,Sir John. Travels of Sir John Mandeville. Trans. C.W.R.D. Moseley. New York:Penguin,1983,111;and Jūzjānī/L Jūzjānī,Ṭabaqāt-i nāṣirī. Ed. W.Nassau Lees. Bibliotheca Indica 44. Calcutta:College Press,1864,47,and Jūzjānī/R Jūzjānī,Ṭabaqāt-i nāṣirī. Trans. H.G.Raverty. Reprint New Delhi:Oriental Book Reprint,1970. I vols.,336-37.

[72] 关于雪貂以人类为媒介进行的传播,请参见Lever,Christopher 1985 Naturalized Mammals of the World. London:Longman,59-62。

[73] Kaempfer,Engelbert. Am Hofe der persischen Grosskönigs,1684-1685. Trans. Walther Hinz. Tübingen and Basil:Erdmann,1977,128.

[74] Bābur,276;Abū’l Faẓl,AA,II,183;Jahāngīr,I,218,and II,61 and 107; Khān,511 and 531;Manucci,II,415-16;Layard,270;Cummins 1988,196-97;and NC,V,171 and 172.

[75] Ibn Khaldūn,The Muqaddimah:An Introduction to History. Trans. Franz Rosenthal. New York:Pantheon,1958. I vols.,364.

[76] Henthorn,William E. 1971 A History of Korea. New York:Free Press,65 and 123,and Jameson,E.W. 1962 The Hawking of Japan:The History and Development of Japanese Falconry. Davis,Calif.:Privately printed,1-8.

[77] ,500,波斯语文本,and 195,俄语译本;Rubruck,111;MM,115-16;and Abu’l Ghāzī,77-78。

[78] SOS O’Kane,John,trans. The Ship of Sulaiman. New York:Columbia University Press,1972,189.

[79] Marco Polo. The Description of the World. Trans. A.C.Moule and Paul Pelliot. London:Routledge,1938. Vol. Ⅰ.,98,119,138,and 392.

[80] Frederick Ⅱ of Hohenstaufen. The Art of Falconry,Being the De Arte Venandi cum Avibus. Trans. Casey A.Wood and F.Marjorie Fyfe. Stanford,Calif.:Stanford Univ

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