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参见,CWT Yule,Sir Henry,ed. and trans. Cathay and the Way Thither,Being a Collection of Medieval Notices of China. 1866. Reprint Taibei:Ch’eng-wen Publishing,1966. II vols.,228-29。

[96] Frederick Ⅱ of Hohenstaufen. The Art of Falconry,Being the De Arte Venandi cum Avibus. Trans. Casey A.Wood and F.Marjorie Fyfe. Stanford,Calif.:Stanford University Press,1961,111,and Ḥusām al-Dawlah. Bāznāmah-i Naṣīrī:A Persian Treatise on,36-42.

[97] Tulishen. Narrative of the Chinese Embassy to the Khan of the Tourgouth Tartars in the Years 1712,13,14 and 15. Trans. George Thomas Staunton. Reprint Arlington,Va.:University Publications of America,1976,96-98.

[98] Nadeliaev,V. M. et al.,eds. 1969 Drevnetiurkskii slovar. Leningrad:Nauka,508;Doerfer,Gerhard 1963-75 Türkische und Mongolische Elemente im Neupersischen. I vols. Wiesbaden:Franz Steiner,360-62;SJV Kane,Daniel. The Sino-Jurchen Vocabulary of the Bureau of Interpreters. Indiana University Uralic and Altaic Series 153. Bloomington:Indiana University,1989,227,no. 459;Ramstedt,G. J. 1949 Studies in Korean Etymology. Helsinki:Suomalais Ugrilainen Seura,242;Hex. Golden,Peter,ed. The King’s Dictionary:The Rasūlid Hexaglot,Fourteenth Century Vocabularies in Arabic,Persian,Turkic,Greek,Armenian and Mongol. Leiden:E.J.Brill,2000,226 (200A19);and Dozy,R. P. A. 1991 Supplément aux dictionnaires arabes. 2 vols. 1881. Reprint Beirut:Librairie du Liban,I,694.

[99] al-Ṭabarī. The History of al-Ṭabarī. Trans,various hands. Albany:State University of New York Press,1985-99. V vols.,389;XTS Xin Tangshu. Beijing:Zhonghua shuju,1975,ch. 219,6178;Schafer,Edward H. 1959 “Falconry in T’ang Times.” T’oung-pao 46:311;and Hamilton,James Russell 1955 Les Ouïghours à l’époque des cinq dynasties d’après les documents chinois. Paris:Imprimerie nationale,76 and 93.

[100] . Murūj al-dhabab wa . Ed. and trans. Barbier de Meynard. Paris:L’imprimerie nationale,1861-77. II vols,,27-38.

[101] SH de Rachewiltz,Igor,trans. The Secret History of the Mongols:A Mongolian Epic Chronicle of the Thirteenth Century. Leiden:E.J.Brill,2004. I vols,14 and 164;SH/I de Rachewiltz,Igor,ed. Index to the Secret History of the Mongols. Indiana University Uralic and Altaic Series 121. Bloomington:Indiana University,1972,25 and 37;Uray-Köhalmi,Käthe 1987 “Synkretismus im Stadtkult der frühen Dschingisiden.” In Walther Heissig and Hans-Joachim Klimkert,eds.,Synkretismus in den Religionen Zentralasiens. Wiesbaden:Otto Harrassowitz,pp.151-52;and Allsen,Thomas T. 1997 Commodity and Exchange in the Mongol Empire:A Cultural History of Islamic Textiles. Cambridge:Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,58-60.

[102] Frederick Ⅱ of Hohenstaufen. The Art of Falconry,Being the De Arte Venandi cum Avibus. Trans. Casey A.Wood and F.Marjorie Fyfe. Stanford,Calif.:Stanford University Press,1961,121.

[103] Hakluyt,V Hakluyt,Richard. Voyages,London:J.M.Dent,1939. Vol. V.394.

[104] 阿穆尔河即

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