
第二章 犯错与愚蠢之间

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940,Vienna,Oct. 24,1908,Rives to Root;Bucharest,Apr. 1,1909,Hutchinson to Knox;M 862,roll 568,Vienna,Aug. 18,1909,Rives to Knox;Williamson,Austria-Hungary and the Origins,71.

[39] Annika Mombauer,Helmuth von Moltke and the Origins of the First World War(Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2001),118.

[40] Norman Stone,“Moltke-Conrad:Relations Between the Austro-Hungarian and German General Staffs 1909-1914,” Historical Journal 9,no. 2(1966):202-203;Mombauer,Helmuth von Moltke,75-76;Rothenberg,Army of Francis Joseph,157-158.

[41] Wawro,Warfare and Society,145-146;Rothenberg,Army of Francis Joseph,143.

[42] Danzer’s Armee Zeitung,May 28,1914,“Eine Lanze für das Bajonett.”

[43] Timothy C. Dowling,The Brusilov Offensive(Bloomington:Indiana University Press,2008),8-9.

[44] Haus-,Hof-und Staatsarchiv,Vienna(HHSA),PA I,810,Int. LXX/I,Belgrade,July 6,1914,Storck to Berchtold,“Aktuelles über die Narodna Odbrana.”

[45] “Dies Österreich,es ist ein gutes Land,” Die Fackel 5,293(Jan. 4,1910)and 5,368(Feb.5,1913).

[46] Vladimir Dedijer,The Road to Sarajevo(London:MacGibbon and Kee,1967),20;Jelavich,History of the Balkans,2:111.

[47] NARA,M 862,roll 940,Budapest,Oct.5,1908,trans. of letter from Franz Joseph to Burian;NARA,M 862,roll 940,Mar.1909,Robert Lansing,“Nationality and the Present Balkan Situation.”

[48] Williamson,Austria-Hungary and the Origins,73-74,105.

[49] Mitrovic,Serbia’s Great War,57-58.

[50] NARA,M862,roll 940,Vienna,Feb.27,1909,Francis to Bacon;BNA,FO 120/906,Vienna,Jan,1,1913,Maj. Thomas Cuninghame to Sir Fairfax Cartwright.

[51] NARA,M 862,roll 940,Vienna,Oct.16,1908,Rives to Root.

[52] NARA,M 862,roll 940,Vienna,Oct.16,1908,Rives to Root.

[53] Die Industrie,Apr.30,1910,“Quo vadis,Austria?”;NARA,M 862,roll 933,Vienna,Sept.2,1908,Rives to Root.

[54] NARA,M 862,roll 940,Vienna,Oct. 7,1908,Rives to Root;Williamson,Austria-Hungary and the Origins,78-79;Reichspost,Jan. 9 and 23,1913;BNA,FO 120/906,Vienna,Jan. 16,1913,Cartwright to Grey;Churchill,World Crisis,49-53.

[55] Moritz Freiherr von Auffenberg-Komarów,Aus Österreichs Höhe und Niedergang:Eine Lebensschilderung(Munich:Drei Masken Verlag,1921),170-174;Rothenberg,Army of Francis Joseph,145,152.

[56] Sondhaus,Franz Conrad von Hötzendorf,107.

[57] SHAT,7N 1131,Vienna,Jan. 16,1912,“Le General Schemua,” and Vienna,Apr. 25,1912,“Notes sur la politique balkanique austro-hongroise”;Sondhaus,Franz Conrad von Hötzendorf,104-107.

[58] Sondhaus,Franz Conrad von Hötzendorf,117.

[59] NARA,M 862,roll 940,Mar. 1909,Robert Lansing,“Nationality and the Present Balkan Situation.”

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