
第四章 萨拉热窝逞凶

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[13] Christopher Clark,The Sleepwalkers(New York:Harper,2013),367-376;Sean McMeekin,July 1914(New York:Basic Books,2013),1-20;Dedijer,The Road to Sarajevo,14-16.

[14] Carl Freiherr von Bardolff,Soldat im alten Österreich:Erinnerungen aus meinem Leben(Jena:Eugen Diederichs,1938):90.

[15] Die Fackel 7,no. 400(July 10,1914):1-4,“Franz Ferdinand und die Talente.”

[16] Jerabek,Potiorek,95.

[17] KA,B/1503:5,Vienna,July 9,1914,Conrad to Potiorek,sehr geheim;Clark,Sleepwalkers,392.

[18] KA,B/1503:6,Vienna,July 27,1914,FZM Krobatin to FZM Potiorek.

[19] KA,B/232:11,Karton 15,Sarajevo,July 25,1914,GdI Appel to Col. Brosch-Aarenau.

[20] Andre Mitrovic,Serbia’s Great War 1914-1918(West Lafayette,IN:Purdue University Press,2007),17,64.

[21] Haus-,Hof- und Staatsarchiv,Vienna(HHSA),Politisches Archiv(PA)I,810,Int. LXX/1,Belgrade,June 30,1914,Storck to Berchtold.

[22] McMeekin,July 1914,109-116;Samuel R. Williamson Jr.,Austria-Hungary and the Origins of the First World War(New York:St. Martin’s,1991),192.

[23] Annika Mombauer,Helmuth von Moltke and the Origins of the First World War(Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2001),151-152;Gunther E. Rothenberg,The Army of Francis Joseph(West Lafayette,IN:Purdue University Press,1976),168.

[24] Clark,Sleepwalkers,381-403;Dedijer,The Road to Sarajevo,289-291;Williamson,Austria-Hungary and the Origins,193;Mitrovic,Serbia’s Great War,5-6.

[25] HHSA,PA I,810,Int. LXX/1,Vienna,July 7,1914,GdI Conrad to Berchtold.

[26] David Fromkin,Europe’s Last Summer(New York:Vintage,2005),155.

[27] Mitrovic,Serbia’s Great War,10.

[28] Mitrovic,Serbia’s Great War,11.

[29] Norman Stone,“Hungary and the Crisis of July 1.914,” Journal of Contemporary History 1,no. 3(1966):161;Churchill,World Crisis,53.

[30] Mitrovic,Serbia’s Great War,10.Fromkin,Europe’s Last Summer,157.

[31] Fromkin,Europe’s Last Summer,157.

[32] Sean McMeekin,The Russian Origins of the First World War(Cambridge,MA:Belknap Press,2011),42-46;McMeekin,July 1914,393-394;Churchill,World Crisis,77.

[33] David G.Herrmann,The Arming of Europe and the Making of the First World War(Princeton:Princeton University Press,1996),221.

[34] Moritz Freiherr von Auffenberg-Komarów,Aus Österreichs Höhe und Niedergang:Eine Lebensschilderung(Munich:Drei Masken Verlag,1921),256.

[35] Mombauer,Helmuth von Moltke,194.

[36] Churchill,World Crisis,65.

[37] Mitrovic,Serbia’s Great War,4.

[38] Mombauer,Helmuth von Moltke,191-192.

[39] Clark,Sleepwalkers,517;Fromkin,Europe’s Last Summer,156;Williamson,Austria-Hungary and the Origins,195;Mombauer,Helmuth von Moltke,103.

[40] Service Historique de l’Armée de Terre,Vincennes(SHAT),AAT,EMA,7N847,Marseille,Mar. 22,1917,2ème Bureau,“2ème Burea

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