
第四章 萨拉热窝逞凶

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u analysé des cahiers de notes d’un officier hongrois prisonnier de guerre.”

[41] Williamson,Austria-Hungary and the Origins,198-199.

[42] Stone,“Hungary and the Crisis of July 1914,” 163.

[43] HHSA,PA I,810,LXX/1,Belgrade,July 8,1914,Wilhelm Storck to Berchtold.

[44] Auffenberg-Komarów,Aus Österreichs,257.

[45] Williamson,Austria-Hungary and the Origins,203.

[46] HHSA,PA I,810,LXX/1,Vienna,July 20,1914,Berchtold to Giesl;Stone,“Hungary and the Crisis of July 1914,” 166.

[47] KA,B/232:11,Karton 15,Sarajevo,July 25,1914,GdI Appel to Col,Brosch-Aarenau.

[48] McMeekin,July 1914,181;Williamson,Austria-Hungary and the Origins,203.

[49] HHSA,PA I,811,LXX/2,July 25 and 27,1914,“Antwortnote”;Clark,Sleepwalkers,423-430,457-469.

[50] Auffenberg-Komarów,Aus Österreichs,259-260.

[51] British National Archives,Kew(BNA),Foreign Office(FO)371/1900,London,Sept. 1,1914,Bunsen to Grey.

[52] KA,Armeeoberkommando(AOK)1914,Evidenzbureau(EVB)3506,Vienna,Aug. 4,1914;Kurt Peball,“Der Feldzug gegen Serbien und Montenegro im Jahre 1914,” Österreichische Militärische Zeitschrift Sonderheft I(1965):20-21;Jerabek,Potiorek,22.

[53] KA,MKFF 202,“Studie Sommer 1907:Operationen gegen Serbien”;General Josef von Stürgkh,Im Deutschen Grossen Hauptquartier(Leipzig:Paul List,1921),158.

[54] István Burián,Austria in Dissolution 1915-18(New York:George Doran,1925),8-9.

[55] Norman Stone,“Moltke-Conrad:Relations Between the Austro-Hungarian and German General Staffs 1909-1914,” Historical Journal 9,no. 2(1966):215.

[56] McMeekin,July 1914,252-255.

[57] HHSA,PA I,810,Int. LXX/1,Vienna,July 7,1914,GdI Conrad to Berchtold.

[58] Österreich-Ungarns Letzter Krieg 1914-18,1:24.

[59] Auffenberg-Komarów,Aus Österreichs,262.

[60] Stone,“Moltke-Conrad,” 216-217.

[61] Auffenberg-Komarów,Aus Österreichs,264-265.

[62] BNA,FO 371/1900,London,Sept. 1,1914,Bunsen to Grey.

[63] Herrmann,Arming of Europe,214.

[64] Capt. B. H. Liddell Hart,The Real War 1914-1918(Boston:Little,Brown,1963),31-2;Patricia Clough,“Found:The Secret of World War I,” Sunday Times,Aug. 14,1994;Jerabek,Potiorek,108;Mombauer,Helmuth von Moltke,106-107;Herrmann,Arming of Europe,205-206,217-218.

[65] Geoffrey Wawro,Warfare and Society in Europe 1792-1914(London:Routledge,2000),200-211;Herrmann,Arming of Europe,200-201,212;Mombauer,Helmuth von Moltke,172.

[66] HHSA,PA I,837,Munich,Aug. 14,1914,Vélics to Berchtold.

[67] HHSA,PA Ⅲ,171,Berlin,May 16,1914,Szögenyi to Berchtold;PA I,842,Berlin,Oct.6,1915,Hohenlohe to Burián;PA I,837,Munich,Aug. 5,1914,Vélics to Berchtold.

[68] Herrmann,Arming of Europe,218.

[69] BNA,FO 371/1900,London,Sept. 1,1914,Bunsen to Grey;HHSA,PA I,819,Vienna,Aug. 2,1914,Tisza to Berchtold;KA,B/1503:6,Vie

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