护眼 字体:大
f Chicago Press,1983.214-15。
[10] 相关建议请参考Kai ,84。
[11] Vilà,Charles et al. 1997 “Multiple and Ancient Origins of the Domesticated Dog.” Science 276:1687-89.
[12] 最近的DNA研究表明,最古老的品种来自于亚洲东北部地区,包括哈士奇、秋田犬和松狮犬等。请参见Parker,Heidi G. et al. 2004 “Genetic Structure of the Purebred Dog.” Science 304,5674(May):1160-64。
[13] Clutton-Brock,Juliet 1995 “Origins of the Dog:Domestication and Early History.” In Serpell,1995,pp.7-20.
[14] Dio Chrysostom. Discourses. Trans. H.Lamar Crosby and J.W.Conoon. Loeb Classical Library. Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1932-51.1.19-20.另请参见Pliny. Natural History. Trans. H.Rockham and W.H.S. Jones. Loeb Classical Library. Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1960-67.VIII.142-45。
[15] Campany,Robert Ford 1996 Strange Writings:Anomaly Accounts in Early Medieval China. Albany:State University of New York Press.244 and 388,and Gernet,Jacques 1985 China and the Christian Impact:A Conflict of Cultures. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.148.
[16] ARE Breasted,James Henry,trans. Ancient Records of Egypt. Chicago:University of Chicago Press,1908.IV,255.
[17] MTZZ Mathieu,Rémi,trans. Le Mu tianzi zhuan:Translation annotée,étude critique. Paris:Presses universitaires de France,1978.46,中文文本 and 24,法语译本;Xenophon,Cyn. Xenophon. Cynegeticus. In Xenohphon,SM. VII.5;al-Manṣūr Al-Mansur’s Book on Hunting. Trans. Sir Terence Clark and Muawiya Derhalli. Warminster:Aris & Phillips,2001.17 and 32;and Abū’l Faẓl,AA Abū’l Faẓl. The Akbār-ī Trans. H.Blochmann. Reprint Delhi:Atlantic Publishers,1979.I,301。
[18] 前王朝时期(Predynastic period),即约公元前4350~前3150年时的古埃及。
[19] 最好的指导性文献请参见Brewer,Douglas J.,Donald B.Redford,and Susan Redford 1994 Domestic Plants and Animals:The Egyptian Origins. Warminister:Aris and Phillips.114-17;Osborn,Dale J. and Jana Osbornova 1998 The Mammals of Ancient Egypt. Warminister:Aris and Phillips.57-68;and Epstein,Hans J. 1971 The Origins of the Domesticated Animals of Africa. Vol. 1. New York:Africana Publishing Company.I,147-71。
[20] Allen,M.J.S. and G. R.Smith 1975 “Some Notes on Hunting Techniques and Practices in the Arabian Peninsula.” Arabian Studies 2:120-25,and Epstein,Hans J. 1971 The Origins of the Domesticated Animals of Africa. Vol. 1. New York:Africana Publishing Company.I,58-71.
[21] Houlihan,Patrick F. 1996 The Animal World of the Pharaohs. London:Thames and Hudson.76-77,and Fiennes,Richard and Alice Fiennes 1970 The Natural History of Dogs. Garden City,N.Y.:The Natural History Press.101-9.
[22] el-Habashi 1992,31-32 and 142-44;Altenmüller,Hartwig 1967 Darstellungen der Jagd in alten Ägypten. Hamburg and Berlin:Verlag Paul Parey.13-16 and illus. on 14;ANE Pritchard,James B.,ed.,The Ancient Near East:An Anthology of Texts and Pictures. Princeton,N.J.:Princeton University Press,1973.I,pl. 41,后为284。
[23] Diodorus Diodorus of Sicily. Trans. C.H.Oldfather et