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40 and 42.
[60] Pollard,John 1977 Birds in Greek Life and Myth. London:Thames and Hudson.108-9.
[61] Kronasser,Heinz 1953 “Die Herkunft der Falkenjagd.” Südost Forschungen 12:67-79.请参见Anderson,J.K. 1985 Hunting in the Ancient World. Berkeley:University of California Press.151-53,他指出鹰猎活动是在更早时传入罗马时代的北非地区。
[62] Lindner,Kurt 1973 Beiträge zur Vogelfang und Falknerei im Altertum. Berlin:de Gruyter.118-56,and Åkerström-Hougen,Gunilla 1981 “Falconry as a Motif in Early Swedish Art:Its Historical and Art Historical Significance” In Rudolf Zeitler,ed.,Les pays du Nord et Byzance(Scandinavie et Byzance):actes du colloque nordique et international de byzantinologie. Uppsala:Almqvist and Wiksell,pp.263-67.
[63] Åkerström-Hougen,Gunilla 1981 “Falconry as a Motif in Early Swedish Art:Its Historical and Art Historical Significance” In Rudolf Zeitler,ed.,Les pays du Nord et Byzance(Scandinavie et Byzance):actes du colloque nordique et international de byzantinologie. Uppsala:Almqvist and Wiksell,pp.267-93,and Hoffman,Gisela. 1957-58 “Falkenjagd und Falkenhandel in der nordischen Ländern während des Mittelalters.” Zeitschrift der deutsches Altertum und deutsche Literature 88:116-39.
[64] Niesters,Horst 1997 “The Art of Falconry.” In Blüchel 1997,1:162-93,and Nicolai,Friedrich 1809 Des Türkischen Gesandten Resmi Ahmet Efendi Gesandtschaftliche Berichte von Berlin im Jahre 1763. Berlin and Stettin,n. pub.7 and note 1.感谢朱迪斯·法伊弗(Judith Pfeiffer)的帮助让我发现了后一条文献。
[65] Duichev,Ivan 1985 Kiril and Methodius:Founders of Slavonic Writing. Boulder Colo.:East European Monographs.51.
[66] 《伊戈尔远征记》(Lay of Igor’s Host),古代俄罗斯民族的英雄史诗,也是俄罗斯最早的书面文学作品。史诗讲述了北诺夫哥罗德王公伊戈尔·斯维雅托斯拉维奇率军征讨屡屡来犯的草原游牧民族波洛夫茨人,结果惨遭失败的故事。
[67] PSRL Polnoe sobranie russkikh letopisei. Moscow:Iazyki russkoi kul’tury,1997-2000.251;PVL Povest vremennykh let po lavrent’evskoi letopisi. 2nd ed. trans. and ed. D.S.Likhachev and V.P.Adrianovoi-Peretts. St.Petersburg:Nauka,1996.105,古俄语文本,and 243,现代俄语译本;RPC Cross,Samuel Hazzard and Olgerd P.Sherbowitz-Wetzor,trans. and eds. The Russian Primary Chronicle,Laurentian Text. Cambridge,Mass.:Medieval Academy of America,1953.215;andSPI Slovo o polku Igoreve:Na russkom i angliiskom iazykakh Trans.Irina Petrova and Dmitry Likhachev. Moscow:Progress Publishers,1981.27-28 and 119,n. 42。
[68] Tulishen. Narrative of the Chinese Embassy to the Khan of the Tourgouth Tartars in the Years 1712,13,14 and 15. Trans. George Thomas Staunton. Reprint Arlington,Va.:University Publications of America,1976.94.
[69] al-Ṭabarī. The History of al-Ṭabarī. Trans,various hands. Albany:State University of New York Press,1985-99.345,and ,II,279-81.
[70] Gelb,Ignace et al.,eds. 1985 The Assyrian Dictionary,vol. 12. Chicago:Oriental Institute.1985,XII,214,and Oppenheim,A. Leo 1985 “The Babylonian Evidence of Achaemenid Rule in Mesopotamia.” In Ilya Gershevitch,ed.,The Cambridge History of Ir