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rans. Roger Savory. Boulder,Colo.:Westview Press,1978.II,764.

[141] Khān,140-41.

[142] 例如,可参见相关评论Marco Polo. The Description of the World. Trans. A.C.Moule and Paul Pelliot. London:Routledge,1938. Vol. Ⅰ.118,160-61,and 470,and Bābur,Ẓahir al-Dīn. The Bābur-nāma in English. Trans. Annette Susannah Beveridge. London:Luzac,1969.224 and 325。

[143] Nīshāpūrī,Ẓahir al-Dīn. The History of the Seljuq Turks from the al-Tawārīkh:An Ilkhanid Adaptation of the Saljūqnāma of Ẓahir al-Dīn Nīshāpūrī. Trans. Kenneth Allin Luther,ed. C.Edmund Bosworth. Richmond,Surrey:Curzon,2001.99;,519,波斯语文本,and 223,俄语译本;and Munshī,Iskander. History of Shah . Trans. Roger Savory. Boulder,Colo.:Westview Press,1978.II,1165。

[144] 卡维尔沙漠(Dasht-i-Kavir),波斯语中意为“大盐漠”,位于伊朗北中部的干燥盆地里。

[145] New York Times,January 8,2000,F5.

[146] Sterndale,Robert A. 1982 Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon. 1884. Reprint Delhi:Himalayan Books.201.

[147] 大君(maharajah)是梵文中对统治者的称呼,意为“伟大的君王”。

[148] Hawkins,R. E.,ed. 1986 Encyclopedia of Indian Natural History. Delhi:Oxford University Press.103-4 and 135.有关克隆波斯猎豹并将其重新引入印度的计划,请参见New York Times,February 1,2003,A3。

[149] Gryaznov,Mikhail 1969 South Siberia. London:Cresset Press.158-59;ANE Pritchard,James B.,ed.,The Ancient Near East:An Anthology of Texts and Pictures. Princeton,N.J.:Princeton University Press,1973.II,239;and Jahāngīr. Tūzuk-i Jahāngīrī or Memoirs of Jahāngīr. Trans. Alexander Rogers,ed. Henry Beveridge. Reprint Delhi:Munshiram Mansharlal,1978.I,369.

[150] 合赞(Ghazan,公元1295~1304年在位)是统治波斯的伊利汗国的蒙古可汗。成吉思汗的孙子旭烈兀在波斯建立了伊利汗国(1256~1335),他的另一个孙子忽必烈则在中国建立了元朝(1271~1368),这两大家族同属成吉思汗后裔。

[151] Rashīd/K Rashīd al-Dīn. al-tavārīkh. Ed. Karīmī. Tehran:Eqbal,1959.II,1099 and 1100,and Jahāngīr. Tūzuk-i Jahāngīrī or Memoirs of Jahāngīr. Trans. Alexander Rogers,ed. Henry Beveridge. Reprint Delhi:Munshiram Mansharlal,1978.I,240.

[152] 有关捕食的信息,请参见al-Manṣūr Al-Mansur’s Book on Hunting. Trans. Sir Terence Clark and Muawiya Derhalli. Warminster:Aris & Phillips,2001.49。

[153] Thompson,Robert and Hobart F. Landreth 1973 “Reproduction in Captive Cheetahs.” In Randall L. Eaton,ed.,The World of Cats,vol. 2,Biology,Behavior,and Management of Reproduction. Seattle:Feline Research Group,pp.162-67.

[154] Caro,T. M. and M. Karen Laurenson 1994 “Ecological and Genetic Factors in Conservation:A Cautionary Tale.” Science 263:485-86;Mercola,Michele 1994 “A Reassessment of Homozygosity and the Case for Inbreeding Depression in the Acinonyx jubatus:Implications for Conservation.” Conservation Biology 8,4:961-71;and Eaton,Randall L. 1974 The Cheetah:The Biology,Ecology and Behavior of an Endangered Species. New York:Van Nostrand Reinhold.29-33,37-38,40,and 157.

[155] Caro,T.M. 1994 Cheetahs of the Serengeti Plains:Group Living in an Asocial Species,Chicago:University of Chicago Press.358-63;Kitchener,Andrew 1991

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