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[33] Wittfogel,Karl A. and Feng Chia-sheng 1949 History of Chinese Society,Liao(907-1125). Philadelphia:American Philosophical Society.568.

[34] 征服者威廉(William the Conqueror),即威廉一世(公元1027~1087),法国诺曼底公爵,后被加冕为英格兰国王,建立了诺曼王朝。

[35] ASC Whitelock,Dorothy,trans. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle,New Brunswick,N.J.:Rutgers University Press,1961.165;Marco Polo. The Description of the World. Trans. A.C.Moule and Paul Pelliot. London:Routledge,1938. Vol. Ⅰ.233-34 and 257;YS Yuanshih. Beijing:Zhonghua shuju,1978.ch. 6,106,and ch. 16,352.

[36] Rey,Maurice 1965 Le domaine du roi et les finances extraordinaires sous Charles Ⅵ,1388-1413. Paris:S. E. V. P. E. N.142.

[37] YS Yuanshih. Beijing:Zhonghua shuju,1978.ch. 6,346.

[38] Bernier,François. Travels in the Mogul Empire,A.D.1656-1668. 2nd ed. Oxford:Oxford University Press,1934,218 and 375.

[39] ARI Grayson,Albert Kirk. Assyrian Royal Inscriptions. Wiesbaden:Otto Harrassowitz,1972-76.II,17,55,92,149,and 175,and ANE Pritchard,James B.,ed.,The Ancient Near East:An Anthology of Texts and Pictures. Princeton,N.J.:Princeton University Press,1973. 2 vols.103.

[40] Lacroix,Paul 1963 France in the Middle Ages:Customs,Classes,Conditions. New York:Frederich Unger.188-89.

[41] McCormick,Finbar 1991 “The Effect of the Anglo-Norman Settlement in Ireland’s Wild and Domesticated Fauna.” In Pam J. Crabtree and Kathleen Ryan,eds.,Animal Use and Culture Change. Philadelphia:MASCA,pp.49.

[42] Juvaynī/Q Juvaynï,. Ta’rīkh-i Jahāngushā. Ed. Mirzā Muḥammad Qazvīnī. E.J.W. Gibb Memorial Series 26. London:Luzac,1912-37.I,110-11,and Juvaynī/B Juvaynī,. The History of the World Conqueror. Trans. John A.Boyle. Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1958.I,139-40.

[43] Jahāngīr. Tūzuk-i Jahāngīrī or Memoirs of Jahāngīr. Trans. Alexander Rogers,ed. Henry Beveridge. Reprint Delhi:Munshiram Mansharlal,1978.I,129-30,and 209.

[44] CDIPR Islam,Riazul,ed. A Calendar of Documents on Indo-Persian Relations,1500-1700. Karachi:Institute of Central and West Asian Studies,1979.I,190.

[45] ZGC Chan-kuo ts’e. Rev. ed. Trans. J.I.Crump. Ann Arbor:Center for Chinese Studies,University of Michigan,1996.353,and Mencius. Trans. W.A.C. H. Dobson. Toronto:University of Toronto Press,1963.3.11.

[46] Kangxi Jonathan D.Spence,trans. Emperor of China:Self Portrait of K’ang-hsi New York:Vintage,1975.9.

[47] KF Heinisch,Klaus,F.,ed. and trans. Kaiser Friedrich Ⅱ:Sein Leben in zeitgenössischen Berichten. Munich:Winkler-Verlag,1969.233;Bernier,François. Travels in the Mogul Empire,A.D.1656-1668. 2nd ed. Oxford:Oxford University Press,1934,416;and Herbert,Sir Thomas. Travels in Persia,1627-1629. Ed. William Foster. 1929. Reprint Freeport,N.Y.:Books for Libraries Press,1972.84.

[48] AR Wright,David Curtis,trans. The Ambassador’s Records:Eleventh Century Reports of Sung Embassies to the Liao. Pap

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