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[120] HYYY Mostaert,Antoine,trans. and Igor de Rachewiltz,ed. Le matériel mongol du Houa i i iu de Houng-ou(1389). Mélanges chinois et bouddhiques 18 and 27. Brussels:Institut belge des hautes études chinois,1977-95. I vols,9 and 25,and Serruys,Henry 1967 Sino-Mongol Relations During the Ming. Vol. 2,The Tribute System and Diplomatic Missions. Mélanges chinois et bouddhiques 14. Brussels:Institut beige des hautes études chinois,200-203.1411年,明朝宫廷根据规定为每一匹进贡的良驹均回赠了十匹带衬彩缎,每一只进贡的矛隼则回赠带衬彩缎四匹;1426年,回赠的标准大约相同。请参见Farquhar,David 1957 “Oirat-Chinese Tribute Relations.” In Studia Altaica:Festschrift für Nikolaus Poppe zum 60.Geburtstag am 8. August 1957. Wiesbaden:Otto Harrassowitz,pp. 62-63。

[121] Marco Polo. The Description of the World. Trans. A.C.Moule and Paul Pelliot. London:Routledge,1938. Vol. Ⅰ.470-73.

[122] YCS Armstrong,Terence,ed. Yermak’s Campaign in Siberia:A Selection of Documents. Trans. Tatiana Minorsky and David Wileman. London:Hakluyt Society,1975,81 and 228,and Ziiaev,Kh Z. 1983 Ekonomicheskie sviazi Srednei Azii s Sibir’iu v.ⅩⅥ-ⅩⅣ. Tashkent:Fan,22.

[123] 基于图像资料和文字证据的相关调查,请参见Rolle,Renate 1988 “Archäologische Bemerkungen zum Warägerhandel.” Bericht der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission 69:513-18 and 527-29,and Hoffman,Gisela. 1957-58 “Falkenjagd und Falkenhandel in der nordischen Ländern während des Mittelalters.” Zeitschrift der deutsches Altertum und deutsche Literature 88:139-49。

[124] Cummins,John 1988 The Hound and the Hawk:The Art of Medieval Hunting. New York:St. Martin’s Press,197-99,and Lacroix,Paul 1963 France in the Middle Ages:Customs,Classes,Conditions. New York:Frederich Unger,197,and 201-2.

[125] Frederick Ⅱ of Hohenstaufen. The Art of Falconry,Being the De Arte Venandi cum Avibus. Trans. Casey A.Wood and F.Marjorie Fyfe. Stanford,Calif.:Stanford University Press,1961,111.

[126] Abū’l Fidā,G Aboul Féda. Géographie d’Aboul Féda. Trans. M.Reinard. Paris:L’imprimerie nationale,1848. 2 vols.266-67. “Sanāqir”是阿拉伯语中“sunqur”一词的复数形式。

[127] Llull,Ramon. Felix,or the Book of Wonders. In Selected Works of Ramon Llull Ed. and trans. Anthony Bonner. Princeton,N.J.:Princeton University Press,1985. Vol. Ⅱ.893.

[128] Qāshānī,Abū al-Qasīm. Ta’rīkh-i Ūljaytū. Ed. M.Hambly,Tehran:B.T.N.K.,1969,53,and Clavijo,Ruy Gonzales de. Embassy to Tamerlane,1403-6. Trans. Guy Le Strange. London:Routledge,1928,169-70.

[129] MRL Vernadsky,George,trans. Medieval Russian Laws. Reprint New York:Octagon Books,1974,50.

[130] Marco Polo. The Description of the World. Trans. A.C.Moule and Paul Pelliot. London:Routledge,1938. Vol. Ⅰ.474.

[131] SMOIZO Tizengauzen,V.,trans. Sbornik materialov otnosiashchikhsia k istorii Zolotoi Ordy. Vol. Ⅰ,Izvlecheniia iz sochinenii arabskikh. St. Petersburg:Stroganov,1884,255,318,425,427,and 445,阿拉伯语文本,and 264,318,325,441,and 438,俄语译本。

[132] Martin,Janet 1986 Treasure of the Land of Darkness:The

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