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[231] Kantorowicz,Ernst 1957 Frederick the Second,1194-1250. New York:Ungar,310-311 and 404,and KFB Heinisch,Klaus J.,trans. Kaiser Friedrich Ⅱ in Briefen und Berichten seiner Zeit. Darmstadt:Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft,1968,270-72.

[232] Frederick Ⅱ of Hohenstaufen. The Art of Falconry,Being the De Arte Venandi cum Avibus. Trans. Casey A.Wood and F.Marjorie Fyfe. Stanford,Calif.:Stanford University Press,1961,3 and 53,and KFB,269.

[233] Frederick Ⅱ of Hohenstaufen. The Art of Falconry,Being the De Arte Venandi cum Avibus. Trans. Casey A.Wood and F.Marjorie Fyfe. Stanford,Calif.:Stanford University Press,1961,205-6;斜体部分为笔者所加。

[234] 最好的相关介绍请参见Dale,Stephen F. 2003 “A Safavid Poet in the Heart of Darkness:The Indian Poems of Ashraf Mazandarani.” Iranian Studies 36,2:199-202。

[235] Pearson,M. N. 1976 Merchants and Rulers in Gujarat:The Response to the Portuguese in the Sixteenth Century. Berkeley:University of California Press,67-68.

[236] Manucci,Niccolao. Storia do Mogor or Mugul India,1653-1708. Trans. William Irvine. Reprint New Delhi:Oriental Books Reprint,1981,III,94 and 220.

[237] SOS O’Kane,John,trans. The Ship of Sulaiman. New York:Columbia University Press,1972,70 and 73.

[238] “下缅甸(Lower Burma)”与“上缅甸”相对,指缅甸南部的沿海地区。

[239] SOS O’Kane,John,trans. The Ship of Sulaiman. New York:Columbia University Press,1972,199-200.

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