
第一章 罗洛与诺曼底

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ff, ‘The Incursions of the Vikings into the Natural and Cultural Landscape of Upper Normandy’, in Viking Trade and Settlement in Continental Western Europe, ed. I. Skibsted KlaesffØe (Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press, 2010), pp. 81–122 (p. 92).

30 A. Nissen-Jaubet, ‘Some Aspects of Viking Research in France’, Acta Archaeologia, 71 (2000), pp. 159–69; ‘Implantations scandinaves et traces matérielles en Normandie: que pouvons-nous attendre?’, in Les fondations scandinaves en Occident et les débuts du duché de Normandie, ed. P. Bauduin(Caen: Publications du CRAHM, 2005), pp. 209–23. See also D. Hadley, The Vikings in England: Settlement, Society and Culture (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2006), esp. p. 273 for place names.

31 For the settlement of the Vikings in England see Hadley, The Vikings in England.

32 P. Bauduin, ‘Chefs normands et élites franques, fin IXe-dé-but Xe siècle’, in Les fondations scandinaves en Occident et les débuts du duché de Normandie, ed. P. Bauduin (Caen: Publications du CRAHM, 2005), pp.181–94. La première Normandie (Xe-XIe siècles. Sur les frontières de la haute Normandie: identité et construction d’une principauté (Caen: Presses Universitaires de Caen, 2004), pp. 99–101.

33 F. Lifshitz, The Conquest of Pious Neustria: Historiographic Disccourse and Saintly Relics 684–1090 (Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, 1995), p. 121, and ‘La Normandie carolingienne, essai sur la continuité avec utilisation de sources négligés’, Annales de Normandie, 48(1998), pp. 505–24.

34 J. C. Moesgaard, ‘A Survey of Coin Production and Currency in Normandy, 864–945’, in Silver Economy in the Viking Age, ed. J. Graham-Campbell and G. Williams (Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press, 2004), pp. 99–121 (pp. 102–9).

35 Le Maho, ‘Le groupe épiscopal de Rouen’; B. Gauthiez, ‘The Urban Development of Rouen, 989–1345’, in Society and Culture in Medieval Rouen, 911–c.1300, ed. L. V. Hicks and E. Brenner (Turnhout: Brepols, 2013), pp. 17–64.

36 Dudo, History of the Normans, pp. 64–8. For discussion see Searle, Predatory Kinship, pp. 73–5.

37 Dudo, History of the Normans, pp. 82–4.

38 Normans in Europe, ed. van Houts, no. 9. Images from the manuscripts of the Planctus can be viewed on Rob Helmerich’s website http://vlib.iue.it/carrie/documents/planctus/planctus/index.html.

39 Searle, Predatory Kinship. p. 58; Lifshitz, ‘Dudo’s Historical Narrative and the Norman Succession of 996’. For the borders of Normandy see Bauduin, La première Normandie.

40 E. van Houts, ‘The Planctus on the Death of William Longsword (943) as a Source for Tenth-Century Culture in Normandy and Aquitaine’, Anglo-Norman Studies 36 (2014), pp. 1–22 (p. 2).

41 Dudo, History of the Normans, pp. 100–18. For relations between Richard and Louis as played out in Rouen, see L. V. Hicks, ‘Through the City Streets: Movement and Space in Ro

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