
第二章 威廉与威廉征服

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ce of God see D. Barthélemy, ‘The Peace of God and Bishops at War in the Gallic Lands from the Late Tenth to the Early Twelfth Century’, Anglo-Norman Studies 32 (2010) pp. 1–24. For Normandy in particular, M. de Boüard, ‘Sur les origines de la trêve de Dieu en Normandie’, Annales de Normandie 9 (1958), pp. 169–89; Bates, Normandy before 1066, pp. 163–4.

19 William of Poitiers, Gesta Guillelmi, pp. 80–1, 96–7.

20 G. Fellows-Jensen, ‘Les relations entre la Normandie et les colonies Scandinaves’, in Les fondations scandinaves en Occident et les débuts du duché de Normandie, ed. P. Bauduin (Caen: Publications de CRAHM, 2005), pp. 225–39.

21 English Historical Documents: vol. 1 500–1042, ed. Dorothy Whitelock, 2nd edn (London: Eyre Methuen, 1979), no. 230. See also L. Abrams, ‘England, Normandy and Scandinavia’ in A Companion to the Anglo-Norman World, ed. C. Harper-Bill and E. van Houts (Woodbridge: Boydell, 2002), pp. 43–62, (p. 45).

22 Ӕthelred’s invasion was recorded by William of Jumièges in the Gesta Normannorum ducum, vol. 2, pp. 10–15.

23 Rodolfus Glaber, Historiarum libri quinque, ed. J. France (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1989), pp. 54–7. See also S. Keynes, ‘The Æthelings in Normandy’, Anglo-Norman Studies 13 (1991), pp. 173–205 (p. 182). Rodolfus Glaber was writing in Burgundy in c. 1030.

24 M. Fauroux, Recueil des actes des ducs de Normandie (911–1066), MSAN, 36 (Caen: Caron, 1961), nos 69 and 76.

25 Gesta Normannorum ducumm, vol. 2, pp. 76–7; E. van Houts, ‘The Political Relations between Normandy and England According to the Gesta Normannorum Ducum’ , in E. van Houts, History and Family Traditions in England and on the Continent (Aldershot: Ashgate, 1999), essay v. See also Keynes, ‘The Æthelings in Normandy’.

26 For the Godwine family see F. Barlow, The Godwins: The Rise and Fall of a Noble Dynasty (Harlow: Longman, 2002); E. Mason, The House of Godwine: The History of a Dynasty (London: Hambledon, 2004).

27 C. P. Lewis, ‘The Normans in England’, Anglo-Norman Studies 17 (1994), pp. 123–44.

28 E. van Houts, ‘Edward and Normandy’, in Edward the Confessor: the Man and the Legend, ed. R. Mortimer (Woodbridge: Boydell, 2007), pp. 63–76; Hagger, William, p. 34.

29 For detailed discussion on late Saxon succession see A. Williams, ‘Some Notes and Considerations on Problems Connected with the English Royal Succession, 860–1066’, Anglo-Norman Studies 1 (1979), pp. 144–67.

30 Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, trans. Swanton, D version, p. 176.

31 The Life of King Edward who Rests at Westminster, ed. F. Barlow, 2nd edn (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992), p. 123.

32 This argument is explained fully in G. Garnett, Conquered England: Kingship, Succession, and Tenure, 1066–1166 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007), Ch. 1. An introduction to the argument can be found in G. Garnett, The Norman Conquest: A Very Short

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