
第二章 威廉与威廉征服

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1 The most recent biography of William is that by M. Hagger, William: King and Conqueror (London: I. B. Tauris, 2012). For contrasting views see D. Bates, William the Conqueror (Stroud: Tempus, 1989) and D. C. Douglas, William the Conqueror: the Norman Impact upon England, rev. edn (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1999).

2 Wace, Roman de Rou, p. 123. William’s mother was actually the daughter of an undertaker with connections to the ducal court and was called Herleva. See E. van Houts, ‘The Origins of Herleva, Mother of William the Conqueror’, English Historical Review 101 (1986), pp. 399–404.

3 Gesta Normannorum ducum, vol. 2, pp. 124–5

4 Orderic, Ecclesiastical History, vol. 4, pp. 106–7

5 Regesta regum Anglo-Normannorum: the Acta of William I (1066 – 1087), ed. D. Bates (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998), no. 232 and discussed in D. Bates, The Normans and Empire (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013), p. 67.

6 William of Malmesbury, Gesta regum, vol. 1, p. 509.

7 For the problems and processes of ducal succession see G. Garnett, ‘“Ducal” Succession in Early Normandy’, in Law and Government in Medieval England and Normandy: Essays in Honour of Sir James Holt, ed. G. Garnett and J. Hudson (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994), pp. 80–111.

8 See for example J. Yver, ‘Les chateaux forts en Normandie jusqu’au milieu du XIIe siècle’, Bulletin de la Société des Antiquaires de Normandie 53 (1955), 28–121; Bauduin, La première Normandie, passim.

9 Douglas, William the Conqueror, pp. 53–80.

10 D. Bates, ‘The Conqueror’s Adolescence’, Anglo-Norman Studies 25 (2003), pp. 1–18; M. Hagger ‘How the West was Won: the Norman Dukes and the Cotentin, c. 987–1087’, Journal of Medieval History 38 (2012), pp. 20–55.

11 For vicomtes see M. Hagger, ‘The Norman Vicomte, c. 1035–1135: What did he do?’, Anglo-Norman Studies, 29 (2007), pp. 65–83.

12 Bauduin, La première Normandie, pp. 178–85; Gesta Normannorum ducum, vol. 2, pp. 22–9, 100–3.

13 Bates, ‘Conqueror’s Adolescence’, p. 3.

14 Searle, Predatory Kinship, pp. 156, 198.

15 Hagger, ‘How the West was Won’, pp. 37–40.

16 For a discussion of the accounts see L. V. Hicks, ‘Coming and Going: the Use of Outdoor Space in Norman and Anglo-Norman Chronicles’, Anglo-Norman Studies 32 (2010), pp. 40–56 (pp. 49–52).

17 William of Poitiers, Gesta Guillelmi, pp. 24–25; L. V. Hicks, ‘The Concept of the Frontier in Norman Chronicles: A Comparative Approach’, in Norman Expansion: Connections, Continuities, and Contrasts, ed. K. Stringer and A. Jotischky (Farnham: Ashgate, 2013), pp. 143–64 (pp. 153–4).

18 For the Tru

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