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[135] Bielenstein,Hans 1980 The Bureaucracy of Han Times. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.68 and 82-83.
[136] SJ Sima Qian. Shiji. Beijing:Zhonghu shuju,1982.ch. 30,1434-35 and 1936;SJH Sima Qian. Records of the Grand Historian:Han Dynasty. Rev. ed. Trans. Burton Watson,New York:Columbia University Press,1993.II,77 and 78;HS Ban Gu. Hanshu. Beijing:Zhonghua shuju,1990.ch. 6,198,ch. 7,223,ch. 10,303,ch. 63,2743,ch. 68,2940 and ch. 96b,3905;HS/D Pan Ku. The History of the Former Han Dynasty. Trans. Homer Dubs. Baltimore:Waverly Press,1938-55.II,98,160 and 376;HS/W Watson,Burton,trans. Courtier and Commoner in Ancient China:Selections from the History of the Former Han by Pan ku. New York:Columbia University Press,1974.49 and 133;and HS/H Hulsewé,A.F.P.,trans. China in Central Asia,the Early Stage:An Annotated Translation of Chapters 61 and 96 of the History of the Former Han Dynasty. Leiden:E.J.Brill,1979.,153.
[137] 朗戈斯,希腊传奇小说家,目前已知的唯一作品《达夫尼斯和赫洛亚》讲述了两个弃儿自幼被不同的牧羊人收养,互不相识,后经爱神丘比特实施魔法,二人坠入爱河,在历经种种考验之后修成爱情正果的故事。
[138] 克拉维约(Ruy González de Clavijo,公元1412年亡故),西班牙使臣,1403~1405年奉西班牙王命出使帖木儿的宫廷,后著有《克拉维约东使记》一书。
[139] Longus. Daphnis and Chloe. Trans. George Thornley. Loeb Classical Library. London:Heinemann,1916.IV.1-8,and Clavijo,Ruy Gonzales de. Embassy to Tamerlane,1403-6. Trans. Guy Le Strange. London:Routledge,1928.215-16.
[140] 马苏第(Mas‘ūdī,公元9世纪末~约公元956年),阿拉伯旅行家、地理学家和历史学家,又译麻素提,有“阿拉伯的希罗多德”之称,曾游历叙利亚、伊朗、亚美尼亚、黑海沿岸、印度河谷、斯里兰卡、阿曼和非洲东海岸,一生著作超过20部,绝大部分已散佚。
[141] ,VIII,269,and Henthorn,William E. 1971 A History of Korea. New York:Free Press.60 and 112.
[142] 参见Schafer,Edward H. 1968 “Hunting Parks and Animal Enclosures in Ancient China.” Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 11:333。
[143] 关于叶卡捷琳娜宫(Tsarskoe Selo)的相关信息,请参见Bardovskaya,L.V. 2002 “Hunting Pastimes at Tsarskoye Selo Menagerie.” State Historical Museum 2002:160-63。