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5] RKO Demidova,N.F. and V.S.Miasnikov,eds. Russko-Kitaiskie otnosheniia v ⅩⅧ veke:Materialy i dokumenty. Moscow:Nauka,1978. Vol. Ⅰ.228-29.

[96] 关于大致情况,可参见Gilbert,Lucien 1934 Dictionnaire historique et géographique de la Mandchourie. Hong Kong:Imprimerie de la Société des Missions-Estrangères.369-73;Elliot,Mark C. 2001 The Manchu Way:The Eight Banners and Ethnic Identity in Late Imperial China. Stanford,Calif.:Stanford University Press.182-87;Menzies,Nicholas K. 1994 Forest and Land Management in Imperial China. New York:St. Martin’s Press.55-56;and Hou Ching-lang and Michèle Pirazzoli 1979 “Les chasses d’automne de l’empereur Qianlong à Mulan.” T’oung-pao 65:15-24,and 37-41。

[97] Ripa,Matteo. Memoirs of Father Ripa During Thirteen Years Residence at the Court of Peking. Reprint New York:AMS,1979.78,84-85,and 128,and Hedin,Sven 1933 Jehol,City of Emperors. New York:Dutton.13,129-32,and 155-60.

[98] Macartney,George. An Embassy to China:Being the Journal Kept by Lord Macartney During His Embassy to the Emperor Ch’ienlung. Ed. J.L.Cranmer-Byng. London:Longman,1962.106-17,122,124-27,132-34,and 144.

[99] Yūsuf Khaṣṣ Ḥājib. Wisdom of Royal Glory(Kutadgu Bilig):A Turko-Islamic Mirror for Princes. Trans. Robert Dankoff. Chicago:University of Chicago Press,1983.256.

[100] 即散文体虚构游记《曼德维尔游记》(The Travels of Sir John Mandeville)。这本书是中世纪最为流行的非宗教类作品,为包括莎士比亚在内的西方文学家留下了深远的影响。

[101] Mandeville,Sir John. Travels of Sir John Mandeville. Trans. C.W.R.D. Moseley. New York:Penguin,1983.141-42.

[102] 在祭司王约翰(Prester John)的传说中,遥远的中亚有一个富庶而强大的国家,其统治者是基督教祭司约翰·普利斯特,即《圣经》中拜见圣婴耶稣的东方三博士的后裔,亦被称作基督教约翰王。

[103] Hamilton,Alexander. A New Account of the East Indies. London:Argonaut Press,1930.I,26.

[104] 关于成吉思汗的著名宫帐,请参见Shaw,Robert. Visits to High Tartary,Yarkand and Kashgar. Hong Kong:Oxford University Press,1988.239-40。

[105] 杜拉欧罗波斯(Dura Europus),叙利亚古城,曾是巴比伦的一个城镇与安息人的商业城市,后毁于萨珊王朝。

[106] Welles,C. Bradford,Robert O. Fink,and J. Frank Gilliam 1959 The Excavations at Dura Europos. Vol. 5,pt. 1,The Parchments and Papyri. New Haven,Conn.:Yale University Press.89,no.15a;Kashgarī,I,343;Nadeliaev,V. M. et al.,eds. 1969 Drevnetiurkskii slovar. Leningrad:Nauka.125;and FZ/B Baevskii,S.I. “‘Rumiiski’slova v persidskom tolkovom slovare‘Zafāngūyā’.” Palestinskii sbornik 21,84(1970):95,波斯语文本 and 98,俄语译本。

[107] McClung,William Alexander 1983 The Architecture of Paradise:Survivals of Eden and Jerusalem. Berkeley:University of California Press.17ff.

[108] Ringbom,Lars-Ivar 1951 Graltempel und Paradies:Beziehungen zwischen Iran und Europa im Mittelalter. Stockholm:Wahlstrom & Widstrand.310.

[109] 关于这一重要讨论,请参见Moynihan,Elizabeth B. 1979 Paradise as a Garden in Persia and Mughal India. New York:George Braziller.38-45,and Reinhart,A. Kevin 1991 “The Here and the Hereafter in Islamic Religious Thought.” In Sheila S. Blair and Jonathan M. Bloom,eds.,Images

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