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[23] Pulleyblank,Edwin G. 1995 “Why Tocharians?” Journal of Indo-European Studies 23:427-28;Adams,Douglas Q. 1999 A Dictionary of Tocharian B. Amsterdam:Rodopi,660;and Bailey,Harold W. 1982 The Culture of the Sakas in Ancient Iranian Khotan. Del Mar,Calif.:Caravan Books,35.

[24] Haussig,Hans Wilhelm 1983 Die Geschichte Zentralasiens und der Seidenstrasse in vorislamischer Zeit. Darmstadt:Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft,14,37,85,and 226;Rawson,Jessica 1998 “Strange Creatures.” Oriental Art 44,2:24-28. ar-Raziq,Ahmad ,24-28;and Powers,Martin J. 1991 Art and Political Expression in Early China. New Haven,Conn.:Yale University Press,271-73.

[25] Laufer,Bertold 1909 Chinese Pottery of the Han Dynasty. Leiden:E. J. Brill,155-56,203,and 236-45.

[26] HHS Fan Ye. Hou Hanshu. Beijing:Zhonghua shuju,1973,ch. 88,2927.

[27] Yang Xuanzhi Yang Hsüan-chih. A Record of Buddhist Monasteries in Lo-yang. Trans. Yi-t’ung Wang. Princeton,N.J.:Princeton University Press,1984,152;Schafer,Edward H. 1963 The Golden Peaches of Samarkand:A Study in T’ang Exotics. Berkeley:University of California Press,84-87;and Zhao Rugua Chau Ju-kua. His Work on the Chinese and Arab Trade in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries,entitled Chu-fan-chi. Trans. Friedrich Hirth and W.W.Rockhill. Reprint Taibei:Literature House,1965,111.

[28] YS Yuanshih. Beijing:Zhonghua shuju,1978,ch. 30,674,677,and 678.

[29] MS Mingshi. Beijing:Zhonghua shuju,1974,ch. 332,8600-8601.

[30] Khiṭā’l, Akbar. Khiṭā’î-nāmah. Ed. Iraj Afshār. Tehran:Asian Cultural Documentation Center for UNESCO,1979,36-37.

[31] 参见Dupree,Nancy Hatch 1979 “T’ang Tombs in Chien County China.” Archaeology 32,4:37-38。

[32] 除了特别标注之处,此处的讨论基于Laufer,Bertold 1928 The Giraffe in History and Art. Anthropology Leaflet 27. Chicago:Field Museum of Natural History,20ff。

[33] al-Balādhurī. The Origins of the Islamic State. Trans. Philip Hitti and F. C.Murgotten. New York:Columbia University Press,1916-24. I vols.,381,and AI Kubbel,L.E. and V.V.Matveev,trans. Arabskie istochniki Ⅶ-Ⅹ vekov po etnografii i istorii narodov Afriki Moscow-Leningrad:Izdatel’stvo akademii nauk SSSR,1960,26,28,229 and 236.

[34] al-Ṭabarī,XXXVIII,3,and ,III,3-4.

[35] Pachymérès,Georges. Relations historiques. Trans. V.Laurent. Paris:Société d’éditions Les Belles Lettres,1984. I vols.,238;Albertus Magnus. On Animals:A Medieval Sum ma Zoologica,II,1449-50;SMOIZO Tizengauzen,V.,trans. Sbornik materialov otnosiashchikhsia k istorii Zolotoi Ordy. Vol. Ⅰ,Izvlecheniia iz sochinenii arabskikh. St. Petersburg:Stroganov,1884,178 and 192,阿拉伯语文本,and 189 and 194,俄语译本;and Ibn Arabshah,Ahmed,Tamerlane or Timur the Great Amir. Trans. J.H.Sanders. Reprint Lahore:Progressive Books,n.d.,220。

[36] Zhao Rugua Chau Ju-kua. His Work on the Chinese and Arab Trade in the Twelfth and Thirte

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