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enth Centuries,entitled Chu-fan-chi. Trans. Friedrich Hirth and W.W.Rockhill. Reprint Taibei:Literature House,1965,128,and Duyvendak,J. J. L. 1938 “The True Dates of the Chinese Maritime Expeditions in the Early Fifteenth Century.” T’oung-pao 34:397,400,and 406.

[37] Grigor of . “History of the Nation of Archers(The Mongols),” ed. and trans. Robert P.Blake and Richard N.Frye. Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 12(1949):311 and 321,and Munshī,Iskander. History of Shah . Trans. Roger Savory. Boulder,Colo.:Westview Press,1978. II vols.,827.

[38] Ahsan,Muhammad Manazir 1979 Social Life Under the Abbasids,786-902 AD. London:Longman,205-6.

[39] al-Ṭabarī. The History of al-Ṭabarī. Trans,various hands. Albany:State University of New York Press,1985-99. XXX vols.,264.

[40] Vis. Wardrop,Oliver,trans. Visramiani:The Story of the Loves of Vis and Ramin. London:Royal Asiatic Society,1966,218,and Barbosa,Duarte. The Book of Duarte Barbosa. Trans. Mansel Longworth Dames. 1918. Reprint Millwood,N.Y.:Kraus Reprint,1967. I vols.,124.

[41] Martines,Lauro 1979 Power and Imagination:City States in Renaissance Italy. New York:Knopf. Martynov,Anatoly Ⅰ.238-39.相关评论请参见Schafer,Edward H. 1959 “Falconry in T’ang Times.” T’oung-pao 46:306-16,其中更早时期的鹰猎活动的信息。

[42] 关于这些犬类的传播概况,请参见Epstein,Hans J. 1971 The Origins of the Domesticated Animals of Africa. Vol. 1. New York:Africana Publishing Company,58-71 and 147-71。

[43] Albertus Magnus. On Animals:A Medieval Sum ma Zoologica,I,578-79.

[44] Jahāngīr. Tūzuk-i Jahāngīrī or Memoirs of Jahāngīr. Trans. Alexander Rogers,ed. Henry Beveridge. Reprint Delhi:Munshiram Mansharlal,1978. II vols.,200.

[45] Slovar 1975- Slovar russkogo iazyka XI-XVII vv. Moscow:Nauka,I vols. to date.,292,and Fasmer,M. 1971 Etimologicheskii slovar russkogo iazyka. I vols. Moscow:Progress,194.

[46] Clausen,Sir Gerard 1968 “Some Old Turkic Words Connected with Hunting.” In Jagd 1968,pp.16-17,and Okladnikov,A. P. 1981 Petroglify Mongolii. Leningrad:Nauka,76 and pl. 92,no.7. 关于蒙古犬的凶猛性,请参见Gilmore Gilmour,James. Among the Mongols. 1883. Reprint New York:Praeger,1970,3-5 and 262-63,and Haslund,Henning. Tents in Mongolia. New York:Dutton,1934,191 and 309-10。

[47] Lattimore,Owen. High Tartary. Reprint New York:AMS Press,1975,105-6.

[48] Schwarz,Henry G. 2001 “Animal Words in Mongolian and Uyghur.” Mongolian Studies 24:2;Nadeliaev,V. M. et al.,eds. 1969 Drevnetiurkskii slovar. Leningrad:Nauka,528;Lessing,Ferdinard D. 1973 Mongolian-English Dictionary. Bloomington,Ind:Mongolia Society,768;Tsintsius,Ⅴ. Ⅰ.,ed. 1975-77 Sravnitel’nyi slovar Tunguso-Man’chzhurskikh iazykov. 2 vols. Leningrad:Nauka,I,152;Norman,Jerry 1978 A Concise Manchu-English Lexicon. Seattle:University of Washington Press. Novgorodova,E. A.,269;Livshitz,V. A. 1962 Sogdiiskie dokumenty s gory Mug. Vol. 2,Iuridicheskie dokumenty i pis’ma. Moscow:Idatel’stvo vostochnoi literatury

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