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,87-88;and Bartol’d,V.V. 1968 Dvenadtsat lektsii po istorii Turetskikh narodov srednei Azii. In his Sochineniia,vol. 5:46.

[49] Laufer,Bertold 1909 Chinese Pottery of the Han Dynasty. Leiden:E. J. Brill,153,162,163,168-69,and 266-77.

[50] Vollmer,John,E. J. Keall,and E. Nagai-Berthrong 1983 Silk Roads,China Ships:An Exhibition of East-West Trade. Toronto:Royal Ontario Museum,210.

[51] ANE Pritchard,James B.,ed.,The Ancient Near East:An Anthology of Texts and Pictures. Princeton,N.J.:Princeton University Press,1973. II vols,206.

[52] Herodotus. The Persian Wars. Trans. George Rawlinson,New York:Modern Library,1942,I.192;Xenophon,Cyn. Xenophon. Cynegeticus. In Xenohphon,SM.,IX.1 and X.1;Diodorus of Sicily. Trans. C.H.Oldfather et al. Loeb Classical Library;Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1935-57 XVII.92.1-3;Strabo. The Geography of Strabo. Trans. H.L.Jones. Loeb Classical Library. Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1967,XV.i.31;and Dio Chrysostom. Discourses. Trans. H.Lamar Crosby and J.W.,3.130.

[53] Laufer,Bertold 1909 Chinese Pottery of the Han Dynasty. Leiden:E. J. Brill,248-67.

[54] Marco Polo. The Description of the World. Trans. A.C.Moule and Paul Pelliot. London:Routledge,1938. Vol. Ⅰ.,272.

[55] Khiṭā’l, Akbar. Khiṭā’î-nāmah. Ed. Iraj Afshār. Tehran:Asian Cultural Documentation Center for UNESCO,1979,80.

[56] Fryer,John. A New Account of East India and Persia,Being Nine Year’s Travels,1672-1681. Ed. William Crooke. 1909. Reprint Millwood,N.Y.:Kraus Reprint,1967. II vols.,305-6.

[57] TLC Thorpe,Lewis,trans. Two Lives of Charlemagne. New York:Penguin,1977,147-48.

[58] Viré,François 1973 “A propos des chiens de chasse ṣalūqī et zaġāri.” Revue des études islamiques 91:236-40.

[59] Marco Polo. The Description of the World. Trans. A.C.Moule and Paul Pelliot. London:Routledge,1938. Vol. Ⅰ.,228.此外还可参见Albertus Albertus Magnus. On Animals:A Medieval Sum ma Zoologica,I,716,and II,1460,他提到犬类会被训练通过气味来驱赶鸟类。

[60] Sanderson,John. The Travels of John Sanderson in the Levant,1384-1602. Ed. William Foster. Reprint Nendcln:Kraus Reprint,1967,227,and Kaempfer,Engelbert. Am Hofe der persischen Grosskönigs,1684-1685. Trans. Walther Hinz. Tübingen and Basil:Erdmann,1977,158.

[61] Jahāngīr. Tūzuk-i Jahāngīrī or Memoirs of Jahāngīr. Trans. Alexander Rogers,ed. Henry Beveridge. Reprint Delhi:Munshiram Mansharlal,1978. I vols.,283.

[62] Roe,Sir Thomas. The Embassy of Sir Thomas Roe to the Court of the Great Mogul,1615—1619. Ed. William Foster. Reprint Nendeln:Kraus Reprint,1967. I vols.,182,and II,288,385,388,and 424.

[63] Ovington,J. A Voyage to Surat in the Year 1689. Ed. H.G.Rawlinson. Oxford:Oxford University Press,1929,160-61.

[64] Parks,Fanny. Wanderings of a Pilgrim in Search of the Picturesque. Reprint Karachi:Oxford University Press,1975. I vols.,229,and G.Mundy Mundy,God

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