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ersity Press,1961,58,59,227,243-44,and 321-22.

[81] Usāmah Ibn Munqidh. An Arab-Syrian Gentleman and Warrior in the Period of the Crusades:Memoirs of Usāmah Ibn Munqidh. Trans. Philip K.Hitti. Princeton University Press,1987,228.

[82] Boccaccio,Giovanni. The Decameron. Trans. Mark Musa and Peter Bondanella. New York:Norton,1982,II.9.

[83] Ḥusām Ḥusām al-Dawlah. Bāznāmah-i Naṣīrī:A Persian Treatise on,1-3,and BDK Sümer,Faruk,Ahmet E.Uysal,and Warren S.Walker,trans. The Book of Dede Korkut:A Turkish Epic. Austin:University of Texas Press,1972,156.

[84] TS Gold,Milton,trans. The Tārikh-e Sistan. Rome:Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente,1976,169;Baihaqī,Abū’l Faẓl. Ta’rīkh-i Baihaqī. Ed. Q.Ghanī and A. A.Fayyaẓ. Tehran:Chāpkhānah bānk-i mīllī,1946,495;Abū’l Fidā,M Abū’l Fidā. The Memoirs of a Syrian Prince. Trans. P.M.Holt. Wiesbaden:Franz Steiner,1983,89;and Abū’l Faẓl,AN Abū l Faẓl. Akbar Nama. Trans. Henry Beveridge. Reprint Delhi:Atlantic Publishers,1989. I vols.,427.

[85] KB/V Viré,François. Le tracté de l’art de volerie(Kitab al-Bayzara). Leiden:E.J.Brill,1967,65;Ibn Shaddād,Bahā’al-Dīn. The Rare and Excellent History of Saladin. Trans. D.S.Richards. Aldershot:Ashgate,2002,215;Bar Hebraeus. The Chronography of Gregory Abū’l Faraj,Trans. Ernest A.Wallis Budge. London:Oxford University Press,1932. Vol. Ⅰ.,334-35;and Ibn al-Furāt. Ayyubids,Mamlukes and Crusaders:Selections from the Tārīkh al-Duwal wa’l Mulūk. Trans. U. and M.C.Lyons,with notes by Jonathan S.C.Riley-Smith. Cambridge:W.Hefer and Sons,1971. I vols.,83 and 164,阿拉伯语文本,and II,68 and 129,英语译本。

[86] Porphyro- Constantine Porphyrogenitus. De Administrando Imperio,Ed.,155,and Ye Longli. Qidan guoji. Shanghai:Guji chubanshe,1985,204.

[87] al-Muqaddasī. Aḥsan al-taqāsīmfī al-āqālīm. Ed. M.J.de Goeje. Leiden:E.J.Brill,1906,325;Barthold,W.(=V.V.Bartol’d) 1968 Turkestan down to the Mongol Invasion. 3rd ed. London:Luzac,235;and ,142.

[88] Frederick Ⅱ of Hohenstaufen. The Art of Falconry,Being the De Arte Venandi cum Avibus. Trans. Casey A.Wood and F.Marjorie Fyfe. Stanford,Calif.:Stanford University Press,1961,112.

[89] Fryer,John. A New Account of East India and Persia,Being Nine Year’s Travels,1672-1681. Ed. William Crooke. 1909. Reprint Millwood,N.Y.:Kraus Reprint,1967. II vols.,304.参见Herbert,Sir Thomas. Travels in Persia,1627-1629. Ed. William Foster. 1929. Reprint Freeport,N.Y.:Books for Libraries Press,1972,243。

[90] 泰加林(taiga)又称北方针叶林,主要分布在北半球高纬度地区,在欧亚大陆北部和北美洲分布最为普遍,构成了一条非常明显的泰加林带。

[91] Glasier,Phillip 1998 Falconry and Hawking. 3rd ed. New York:Overlook Press,21-23.

[92] Barthold,W.(=V.V.Bartol’d) 1968 Turkestan down to the Mongol Invasion. 3rd ed. London:Luzac,284.

[93] YS Yuanshih. Beijing:Zhonghua shuju,1978,ch. 2,40.

[94] Rashīd/K Rashīd al-Dīn. al-tavārīkh. Ed. Karīmī. Tehran:Eqbal,1959. I vols.,441.

[95] 例如可

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